Posts Tagged ‘Victoria’

Freeway spaghetti bowl at Keilor Park

If there is a most underrated freeway interchange in Melbourne, it would have to be that between the M80 Western Ring Road and the Calder Freeway at Keilor Park. Taking a tour From the air there is a tangle of freeway lanes, ramps and frontage roads. The interchange having a total of sixteen bridges. Including: […]

A public–private partnership for pothole repairs

All across Victoria potholes are a common sight, as finding for basic repairs has been funneled away for grand traffic congestion inducing projects like the West Gate Tunnel. But there is one exception – a few roads in Melbourne that were upgraded as part of the ‘Western Roads Upgrade’ project. So why are they different? […]

A history of nine car long V/Line trains

I realised the other day I’ve never written a complete piece about the history of V/Line operating nine car long trains – so here goes. In the beginning The story starts back in December 2005, with the introduction of the VLocity trains to the V/Line fleet. Each set consisted of two carriages seating a total […]

Photos from ten years ago: August 2014

Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is August 2014. Regional Rail Link Yes, more Regional Rail Link this month! First off, a V/Line train headed over the newly upgraded North Melbourne flyover bound for Southern Cross, avoiding the suburban trains down below. The sharp curves catching V/Line […]

Rail noise regulations – yet another “break of gauge”

As if the different rail gauges, incompatible train radio systems and contradictory high visibility vest standards weren’t enough of an obstacle for interstate rail freight in Australia, turns out there is yet another “break of gauge” – state based rail noise regulations. Welcome to the New South Wales EPA In the state of New South […]