Archive for January, 2006

Melbourne’s 2006 Chinese New Year festival

Yesterday was the first day of the Chinese Year of the Dog. And because of this, they had celebrations in Chinatown in Melbourne. Because where else would you hold it?

Ikea – It’s Swedish for

Here is the lovely table I got to assemble today. Or actually, four of them. There is two sets of two nesting tables. My Mum bought them from Ikea, and I got the job of assembling them.

Last day in service for V/Line’s S302

Another random railway trip happed yesterday, Friday the 13th. It was the last day that trains would be running on the Geelong line for a few weeks, as there will be work done to install new signals. I was also the […]

Driven up the wall (so to speak)

This is what I have been up to the last few days…