You can find pages and pages of posts about trains here: if that isn’t enough, there is plenty more beyond this site!
Cooked next train displays at Southern Cross Station
It’s a hot summer day and you just want to get home, so you walk into Southern Cross Station to catch a train – only to be greeted by a failing wall of next train displays. Yep, it’s cooked Three out of the seven displays are barely visible – leaving the next seven V/Line departures […]
The saga of lifts at Watergardens station
For something that was built from scratch 20 years ago, the accessibility issues at Watergardens railway station on the Sunbury line stand out – this is the story of the lifts that didn’t work, and the effort that went into fixing them. In the beginning For years Sydenham station was a wayside stop on the […]
Putting the computer system before the train
Over the years there have been many examples were real world processes being squeezed to fit in with what a computer system can support. Well the railways are no stranger to this, as these examples show. Some background Locomotives all look the same, so it’s not like you can tell a train driver “you’re driving […]
A history of smoking on Victorian trains
Fortunately I’m young enough to have never suffered through the days of when people were allowed to smoke onboard trains in Victoria, but can remember when people were allowed to smoke at railway stations. So here is a quick history of when smoking bans were introduced. Back in the bad old days Going back the […]