All infrastructure eventually wears out, and in the case of Melbourne the thirty year old lifts in the City Loop have come up for replacement. However the planning of these works leaves a lot to be desired.
Archive for January, 2017
Google Maps mangling Melbourne’s freeway interchanges
January 24th, 2017
Digital maps have taken over from traditional paper street directories and fold out maps, but it doesn’t mean the information made available to the reader is any better, if my recent experiences with Google Maps are anything to go by.
Photos from ten years ago: January 2007
January 17th, 2017
Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is January 2007.
Cold and flu remedy, or sporting event?
January 13th, 2017
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You have to wonder what the marketing gurus employed by Tennis Australia are smoking, if their latest TV commercial is anything to go by.
Biased artist’s impressions presented as fact
January 10th, 2017
Artist’s impressions have long been used by the government as a way to sell major projects to the public, but in 2016 we have seen this tool adopted by a new user – community groups opposed to the same projects.