Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is July 2011. Open House Melbourne The last weekend of July is usually Open House Melbourne, so I did the rounds of places normally closed to the public. First off, the underground Russell Place electrical substation. Complete with mercury arc rectifiers. […]
Archive for July, 2021
Never built ‘Parliament Square’ at the top of Bourke Street
Since Melbourne was established as a city a grand civic square has been something lacking. Many attempts have been made over the years to build one, and today’s example is the 1929 ‘Parliament Square’ proposal for the top end of Bourke Street. The proposal was included in the Plan for General Development created by the […]
Tracking down the route 82 covid tram
Last night a new exposure site was added to the Victorian Government coronavirus website – the route 82 tram from Footscray to Edgewater on 10/07/2021 between 7:51pm – 8:14pm. But which tram was involved – turns out my Tram Detective website has the answer. So what is Tram Detective? Tram Detective is a tool I […]
Building the Spencer Street Station subway – a history
Last week I went sniffing around Southern Cross Station, on the hunt for the remains of the pedestrian subway that until 2005 was the main access route through the station This week we go digging deeper into the history of Spencer Street Station, and the story behind the subway that ran beneath it. Spencer Street […]
Hunting the remains of the Spencer Street Station subway
The pedestrian subway that once ran beneath Spencer Street Station only closed in 2005, yet in that time it has become shrouded in layers of mystery. So let’s sort fact from fiction, and see what’s left of it beneath today’s Southern Cross Station. Finding the entrances The first remnant of the Spencer Street Station subway […]