Archive for May, 2019

Remember the South Eastern Freeway dead end?

Ever got to the city end of the Eastern Freeway and thought “if only this freeway went somewhere, all of these traffic jams would disappear”? Well Melbourne has already tried doing that to every other freeway, and it doesn’t seem to be working. We’ll jump back to 22nd May 1970, when The Age covered the […]

Southern Cross Station – what could have been

With all of the recent talk about Southern Cross Station’s failings – in particular failed escalators and gross overcrowding in peak times – what better time than now to look at what could have been. The backstory On February 28, 2000 then-Premier Steve Bracks announced the Linking Victoria program, which included a joint private/public sector […]

Melbourne trains moving with open doors

Last week The Age published article titled Long delays for justice over teen’s train death – detailing with the aftermath of a 2014 fatality at Heyington station. Initially much has been made of the gap between the train and the sharply curved platform at Heyington. But the real cause was something far more concerning. Moving […]

Photos from ten years ago: May 2009

Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is May 2009. We start over at Flinders Street Station, where Hitachi trains were still in service with then-suburban train operator Connex Melbourne. Connex was replaced by Metro Trains Melbourne in November 2009, but the Hitachi trains hung on until December […]