Cold and flu remedy, or sporting event?

You have to wonder what the marketing gurus employed by Tennis Australia are smoking, if their 2017 rebranding of the Australian Open is anything to go by. This is a TV commercial for cold and flu medication.

This is a TV commercial for the 2012 Australian Open.

So what the hell is this advert for?

Despite the first 5 seconds of the advert showing how a hypothetical product clears the head and nose, if you said ‘cold and flu medication’ you’re wrong – it’s actually a TV commercial for the 2017 Australian Open.

In September 2016 it was revealed that the two decade old Australian Open logo was on the way out, replaced by a stylised ‘A’ and ‘O’.

I wonder how they came up with such a insipid design – hotboxing in the Rod Laver Arena locker rooms?

February 2017 update

Spotted on Twitter: a new Korean budget airline has knocked off the Australian Open for their logo – or an American health food store.

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