Posts Tagged ‘compulsory acquisition’

Freeway spaghetti bowl at Keilor Park

If there is a most underrated freeway interchange in Melbourne, it would have to be that between the M80 Western Ring Road and the Calder Freeway at Keilor Park. Taking a tour From the air there is a tangle of freeway lanes, ramps and frontage roads. The interchange having a total of sixteen bridges. Including: […]

Building the Bungaree deviation on the Ballarat line

Almost 20 years ago something interesting happened on the Ballarat line – a brand new stretch of railway line was built through open paddocks, cutting the travel time between Melbourne and Ballarat. This is the story of the Bungaree Deviation, which opened to trains in 2005. Some history I’ve written about the history of the […]

Old and inappropriate subdivisions of Victoria

A recent theme on my blog has been “zombie subdivisions” – suburbs that were created but never took off, resulting in empty streets in the middle of nowhere. It turns out Victorian planing policy has an official name for them – “old and inappropriate subdivisions” and a method of dealing with them – “restructure overlays”. […]

Summerlands – the suburb that penguins reclaimed

As a young kid who spent his spare time flicking through the Melway street directory, there was a place on Phillip Island that always intrigued me – a suburb called ‘Summerlands’, and the mysterious “This area is subject to a Government acquisition program” note alongside. Melway Edition 22 Map 431 (1993) Paying a visit to […]