Posts Tagged ‘roadworks’

A public–private partnership for pothole repairs

All across Victoria potholes are a common sight, as finding for basic repairs has been funneled away for grand traffic congestion inducing projects like the West Gate Tunnel. But there is one exception – a few roads in Melbourne that were upgraded as part of the ‘Western Roads Upgrade’ project. So why are they different? […]

Photos from ten years ago: July 2013

Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is July 2013. Overview of the carriage yards from the north-east side of La Trobe Street Regional Rail Link Work on the Regional Rail Link project will still ticking away, with Sunbury line passengers often having to change to buses at […]

Those new travel time signs around Melbourne

One things I’ve noticed in the past year or so around Melbourne is a plague of variable message sign trailers parked beside main roads. Each one offers travel times to a single random suburban destination, via two different routes. So what gives? The example I found was on Anderson Road in Sunshine, and offered travel […]