Playing the ‘spot all squares’ game to solve a CAPTCHA gets old quickly, but the other day one of them caught myeye – is that set of traffic lights in Melbourne? The clues all add up: Australia Post mail box, and post office; Herald Sun sign on shop; a leafy green road with two lane […]
Posts Tagged ‘traffic signals’
How long does it take to build a pedestrian crossing?
One might think building a pedestrian crossing would be pretty easy, but for set of traffic lights in Sunshine, it was anything but. The background The story starts at Sunshine station, upgraded in 2014. But for pedestrians crossing Hampshire Road they still needed to dodge four lanes of traffic at a roundabout. Google Street View […]
Flawed pedestrian crossings on William Street
During December 2019 Yarra Trams and the City of Melbourne completed a whirlwind of work to upgrade William Street through the Melbourne CBD. But it isn’t just buses that they forgot when building the new tram stops and bike lanes – they’ve screwed up the pedestrian crossings. Pedestrian crossings at major intersections have been widened. […]
How did the horse cross the road?
On Fellmongers Road in the Geelong suburb of Breakwater there is what seems to be a normal set of pedestrian lights. But if you take a closer look, you’ll realise that the crossing doesn’t lead anywhere. And the push buttons are located at head hight. And there is an extra ‘don’t walk’ light mounted above […]
Things my son noticed on public transport
My son isn’t yet three years old, but the amount of things that he notices when we are out and about is amazing – but a recent trip to St Kilda really blew me away. We started out at Southern Cross Station, where “that escalator is broken!” was his first observation. Perhaps he’s ready to […]