Posts Tagged ‘pedestrians’

How long does it take to build a pedestrian crossing?

One might think building a pedestrian crossing would be pretty easy, but for set of traffic lights in Sunshine, it was anything but. The background The story starts at Sunshine station, upgraded in 2014. But for pedestrians crossing Hampshire Road they still needed to dodge four lanes of traffic at a roundabout. Google Street View […]

Flawed pedestrian crossings on William Street

During December 2019 Yarra Trams and the City of Melbourne completed a whirlwind of work to upgrade William Street through the Melbourne CBD. But it isn’t just buses that they forgot when building the new tram stops and bike lanes – they’ve screwed up the pedestrian crossings. Pedestrian crossings at major intersections have been widened. […]

How long does it take to move a bike hoop?

Over the past few years the City of Melbourne has currently installing more bike hoops around the CBD, permitting more cyclists to securely park their bikes. But what happens when one of the hoops is placed in a stupid place? Back on 29 January 2018 I spotted this example near the corner of William and […]

Bourke and Spencer Street – where cars take priority

If you have ever caught a tram down Bourke Street and alighted at the corner of Spencer Street, the massive wait for the pedestrian lights to turn green should be quite familiar. So how long will you get stuck waiting there?

Tram load of passengers depart a route 96 service at the corner of Bourke and Spencer Streets

Revisiting Melbourne’s clogged intersections

Recently I’ve blogged about idiot drivers queuing through intersections, and police holding jaywalking ‘blitzes’. So what has changed in the past few months?

Z3.144 and D1.3501 wait for a car blocking the tracks at Swanston and Flinders Streets