My son isn’t yet three years old, but the amount of things that he notices when we are out and about is amazing – but a recent trip to St Kilda really blew me away. We started out at Southern Cross Station, where “that escalator is broken!” was his first observation. Perhaps he’s ready to […]
Posts Tagged ‘my family’
You have to ‘train’ them young
December 26th, 2017
My son is only just over two years old, but he’s already an experienced trainspotter. Always ready for a few hours out lineside with Dad to see what trains are due next. I wonder how long until he’ll be asking for his own camera – so far he just scrolls through the photos on my […]
Mr Wong! I’ve lost my travellers cheques!
October 12th, 2012
It was the early 1980s and my mother and father had just moved in together, when a television commercial for American Express travellers cheques captured the public imagination, giving my parents a new annoyance to deal with.