Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is March 2014. A few things new on the trams A decade ago route 57 was my local tram route, and one night I heard something different clattering down the road – a brand new E class tram on test. So […]
Posts Tagged ‘tram priority’
A history of segregated tram lanes in Melbourne
Melbourne’s trams are among the slowest in the world, spending much of their time stuck behind slow moving cars instead of flying past with full loads of passengers. Giving tram their own dedicated road space would fix this – and this is a history of Early years The first tram routes predominately followed the main […]
Why is a tram like a banana?
Why is a tram like a banana? Because they come in a bunch! ba dum tsh So why do trams supposedly timetabled an even distance apart end up running up against each other? The usual cause is the tram in front getting a bad run, which results in it getting progressively more delayed as passengers […]
Categorising the Melbourne tram network by environment
Melbourne’s tram network is one of the biggest in the world, with 24 routes traversing 250 kilometres of track, dating back over a century, and progressively extended and upgraded in the years since.
Today the challenge is to keep services moving despite increasing traffic congestion, carrying more passengers than ever before, while meeting new accessible transport standards. This is difficult activity given no two parts of the network are the same – so how can the Melbourne tram network be categorised by the environment they runs through?
Bourke and Spencer Street – where cars take priority
If you have ever caught a tram down Bourke Street and alighted at the corner of Spencer Street, the massive wait for the pedestrian lights to turn green should be quite familiar. So how long will you get stuck waiting there?