I’ve just gotten home from a two week long trip ‘across the ditch’ to New Zealand, so here’s a quick trip report. Arrival into Auckland I flew into Auckland Airport on the North Island. And immediately made my way to the Glenbrook Vintage Railway, where steam locomotive WW 644 was running for the day. I […]
Posts Tagged ‘travel’
On hiatus for the next month, starting now
December 12th, 2012
1 Comment
For the next month, this blog is going to be on hiatus – by the time that this blog post goes live, I’m going to be midway between Melbourne and Europe, on a plane that looks a lot like this one. Above photo by Adrian Pingstone, via Wikimedia Commons My last big overseas trip was […]
Blogs can have spinoffs too!
May 29th, 2011
1 Comment
Over the past few months this blog has been a mix of different topics – with one big scoop of photo essays from Hong Kong, and the rest being whatever topics take my fancy. I’ve decided to split off the Hong Kong related content into a new blog, titled: Checkerboard Hill (An Aussie’s view of Hong Kong) You can find the […]