It happened to me earlier this year and it’s just happened again – a missed call from a radio producer wondering whether I was free to chat on air the next morning on the topic of trains. This time around it was ABC Radio Ballarat, who had seen my recent posts on the Ballarat line […]
Listening to the sound of my own voice
There is one peril to being the number one hit on Google for an obscure topic – radio producers looking for a talking head will try and chase you down to get you onto the air. The story started on May 25, when somebody on Reddit posted a photo titled “I want to go down […]
Getting ‘hugged to death’ by Hacker News
The story starts when I published a piece on the backyard approaching lighting at Adelaide Airport to my blog. Later that day I noticed that my website was now running rather sluggishly, so checked the logs – an explosion in traffic. And the reason – someone over at Hacker News had shared a link to […]
How many blog posts do I write in a year?
I’ve just sat down and run the numbers – if I continue at my current blog posting rate, after one year I will have published a total of 142 new entries! My current posting schedule is as follows: Two posts a week here (104 posts/year) Once a fortnight about European railways at (26 posts/year) […]
My most viewed blog posts for 2014
I sat down the other evening and had a look at my top 20 most viewed blog posts for 2014. With only eight of my top 20 posts having been written this year, it goes to show the value that writing a “timeless” blog post can give.