Posts Tagged ‘Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme 1954’

The City Ring Road that Melbourne never built

If you think Melbourne is a city already strangled by freeways, then this 1954 proposal for a City Ring Road will surely make you feel that we dodged a bullet. Included as part of the 1954 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme, the City Ring Road was for a controlled access road that would encircle the entire […]

And you thought St Kilda Junction looked bad?

St Kilda Junction is a horrible place to navigate on foot, with a tangle of concrete flyovers carrying speeding cars and trams over a network of dingy pedestrian subways. But believe it or not, it could have been even worse. That is something hard to believe while approaching by car. Or driving through the underpasses. […]

Melbourne’s never built – the top end of Bourke Street

In the mid-20th century there were many crazy plans to rebuild Melbourne as a modern city, and this proposal from the Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme 1954 would be one of the most extreme – the entire top end of Bourke Street would be bulldozed to make room for a new civic square.