Melbourne’s freeway ‘ghost ramps’

Melbourne has the largest freeway network of any Australian city, and with it, possibly the country’s largest collection of ‘ghost ramps’ – pieces of freeway that lead nowhere.

End of the Ring Road

Planning for a future that never came

The best known bit of ghost roadway is the incomplete ramp at Chandler Highway on the Eastern Freeway, along with an associated road overpass. Marked in a number of Melway directories since the freeway opened in 1977, the ramp was intended to take eastbound traffic beneath the Chandler Highway and then onto the proposed E6 freeway, which has never been built. The alignment remains in place today, along with a short piece of roadway leading from the in-use off ramp.

Eastern Freeway at the Chandler Highway interchange

It still might happen

Ghost ramps also exist for a partially completed roads, such as the Mornington Peninsula Freeway at Jetty Road in Rosebud South. The freeway itself opened between here and the Nepean Highway at Dromana in 1975, but in the 1980s it was decided to extend the freeway a short distance west towards Boneo Road.

It was decided to only build the southern carriageway of the road and omit the freeway overpass at Jetty Road, leaving a road towards Portsea to be built on the alignment of the future westbound entry ramp, leaving large earth embankment at the city end of the road, and a short road to nowhere where the future freeway will land.

Mornington Peninsula Freeway at the Jetty Road interchange

Moved due to new roads

Not all ghost ramps were built for never-completed freeways – some were closed as part of road upgrades. The Police Road outbound on ramp to the Monash Freeway is one opened around 1994 to allow traffic from Waverley Park to access the freeway.

With the construction of the Eastlink – Monash Freeway interchange a short distance to the east, the ramp was closed in 2005 due to concerns about traffic weaving, being replaced by a new ramp a short distance away at Jacksons Road. Today only minor traces of the ramp remain along Police Road.

Monash Freeway at the Police Road interchange

Unsafe and redundant

A longer lived ghost ramp can be found at Church Street on the Monash Freeway. Originally opened in 1962 as part of the South Eastern Arterial from Punt Road to Burnley Street, two ramps were provided for eastbound at Church Street: the first for northbound traffic towards Richmond, and a second one that did a loop and directed traffic south towards Prahran.

With the construction of CityLink during the late 1990s, the tight curve for the loop was determined to be unsafe and the ramp being closed to traffic. After sitting idle for over a decade, Yarra Council has allocated $1.1 million in their 2013/14 budget to convert it into a park, the work completed in 2015.

Monash Freeway at the Church Street interchange

Leading into the darkness

Safety concerns also led to the closure of a different ramp on CityLink, this time at Power Street. Opened with the Burnley Tunnel in 2000, the ramp allowed traffic from the Melbourne CBD to access the westbound tunnel, joining the main traffic lanes a short distance inside the tunnel.

Asking the average Melbourne motorist to merge while inside the tunnel must have been too much of an ask, as in 2009 the ramp was closed as part of the Monash-CityLink-West Gate upgrade project, replaced by a new ramp from City Road, that merged with the existing Kings Way ramp outside the tunnel. The unused ramp remains in place today, but fenced off.

West Gate Freeway at the Power Street interchange

Omitted as part of an upgrade

Another former off ramp that still exists is located at the merge between the Tullamarine and Calder Freeways in Airport West. Originally opened in 1972, the interchange permitted traffic movements in all directions with a ‘trumpet’ layout.

Constrained by the adjacent airport, as traffic on the freeway increased over the years, congestion at the merge led to the interchange being rebuilt in 2005-07, with the airport bound carriageways being relocated to the centre of the freeway, and the former south to west ramp was closed, as the movement had been replaced by the opening of Western Ring Road some years earlier. Today the bridge and pavement remain in place, disconnected at both ends.

Tullamarine Freeway at the Calder Freeway interchange

Catering to increasing traffic

Freeway upgrades are the reason for the abandonment of another freeway ramp, this time at the interchange of the Western Ring Road and the Tullamarine Freeway. Opened in stages between 1992 and 1997, the interchange permits traffic to proceed in a number of directions with a mix of flyover and cloverleaf ramps. The most hair raising ramp in the interchange carried southbound traffic from the Tullamarine Freeway to the westbound Ring Road, negotiating a 270 degree turn that was restricted to just 40 km/h, before an immediate merge with Western Ring Road traffic headed for Melbourne Airport and Melrose Drive.

The end result was much lane weaving and an increased risk of collisions, so this congested section of the roadway was replaced as part of the M80 Ring Road upgrade project, which constructed a flyover ramp over the top of the entire interchange, opening to traffic in early 2013. The pavement remains in place.

Western Ring Road at the Tullamarine Freeway interchange

2020 update – I missed one!

Over on Reddit, someone on r/melbourne pointed out a ghost ramp at the Frankston Freeway / Mornington Peninsula Freeway / EastLink / Peninsula Link interchange. This ramp originally formed the southbound carriageway from the Mornington Peninsula Freeway towards the Frankston Freeway, but replaced by the current ramp in 2012 to make way for the Peninsula Link – Mornington Peninsula Freeway bridge that passes over EastLink.

And another!

I drive past this one all the time – Fitzgerald Road interchange with the Western Ring Road and Deer Park Bypass. Originally constructed in the 1990s as a conventional diamond interchange, the addition of the Deer Park Bypass in 2009 saw the Fitzgerald Road ramps on the northern side of the interchange replaced by a new pair of sharply curved ramps further north, making space for the ramps carrying traffic between the Deer Park Bypass and the Western Ring Road, and eliminating possible weaving movements. The only trace today – some newer sections of kerb along Fitzgerald Road that replaced the former ramp connection.

And still more

The interchange of the Calder Freeway and Woorite Place was once a full diamond, but the ramps to the west were closed in the mid-1990s to make way for the nearby Western Ring Road interchange. The remains on the eastbound off ramp are still visible today at the interchange, but the outbound on ramp from Milleara Road was obliterated.

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75 Responses to “Melbourne’s freeway ‘ghost ramps’”

  1. Julian Calaby says:

    Not a freeway one, but still a ghost ramp: Kings Way southbound where the ramp from City Road joins it after it passes through Crown Casino has a little sliver of road that looks like it was supposed to be a ramp to somewhere but isn’t.

    • Marcus Wong says:

      I believe the stub to nowhere is just an artifact of the road widening done for the additional ramps. IIRC both were just tacked onto the side of the bridge when the casino was built, to serve as the access to/from Whiteman Street and the multilevel carpark:,144.960496&spn=0.0019,0.004128&hnear=Kings+Way,+Victoria&gl=au&t=h&z=19

      Here is the road arrangement in 1966 – the Yarra Bank Road ramps were reused to access the car park, but there were never any ramps to/from the other direction:

      • Julian Calaby says:

        Sorry, by “City Road” I mean Whiteman Street. It’s _above_ City Road. Sigh.

      • Julian Calaby says:

        From what I recall of the underside of King’s Way there, it looks like the ramps were added after the main bridge was built. (but still in the same “era”)

        Your 1966 Melways map shows those ramps were still there back then. That said, it doesn’t show the loop under Kings Way just south of Whiteman Street which looks like it was added later – straight concrete columns instead of trapezoidal supports.

        I’m guessing that, given the ’66 map and the tapering on the western side, there was originally intended to be either an extra south bound lane on King’s way or a slip ramp onto Grant Street or something like that, however that never happened, and when the loop and eventual carpark ramps were added, it didn’t get removed.

    • Paul Jerome O'CONNOR says:

      Hi Julian, that King’s Way ramp shows up well on Google maps. when I get some spare time, I am going to go up there and take a closer look at it. I’ll post any pics I take naturally!!

  2. Ivan H says:

    Another one is located on the Pakenham Bypass, just before Officer South road, not as clear inbound but is outbound with arrows signs included to prevent motorists from mistaken it for a operational off-ramp.

    Not sure the story behind that, I thought it was part of the long term route for traffic to enter Koo-Wee-Rup road as seen here:

    But it’s on the wrong location, so I gather it most likely a future project for when the house estates continues west towards Officer South road which see a need for that road to be upgraded with access to the Freeway.

  3. scott says:

    I drive on the eastern freeway every day and didn’t know there was a ghost ramp on the Chandler Highway exit. I will check it out.

    China has ghost cities, we have ghost freeway ramps!

  4. Andrew S says:

    The Chandler Highway (E6) also includes an wide overpass over the Eastern (F19) with additional room to the left inbound for the east-to-north ramp to form the opposite directional ramp to the one you have discussed. It is worth noting older Melway directories, including my 1975 one show the west-to-south ramp you have there dashed in!

    • Marcus Wong says:

      Thanks for that. I’ve noticed the extra span on that side, but could never work out what ramp it was intended for – the Melway never showed it.

  5. Paul Jerome O'CONNOR says:

    Where the Hume Freeway merges with the Metropolitan Ring road there is a partially complete ramp that I assume was to take westbound traffic (on the Ring road)north onto the Hume Freeway. It is an interesting relic that I discovered while working as a courier. I’m glad to see that the disused bridge over the Calder freeway is included in the list!!

  6. Paul Jerome O'CONNOR says:

    Marcus, I found an interesting video on line at
    It focuses on the ghost ramps and stubs on freeways in Seattle, Washington. The video quality is very
    good and reinforces what I said earlier: that they have everything bigger and better over there including ghost ramps!!

  7. Paul Jerome O'CONNOR says:

    With reference to my last, the narrator isn’t Noel Coward so don’t expect too much!! But an interesting video nonetheless.

  8. Bobman says:

    Love the info here. Just as interesting as the rail trails etc.

    I’ve been fortunate enough to travel on all of the above before they were closed & the City Link – Church Street really was a tight one as well as the old Airport merge at Essendon Airport being a poor quality ramp.

    • Marcus Wong says:

      I’ve headed of the ramps at the Western Ring Road / Tullamarine Freeway interchange catching out many people – when returning from the airport I’ve heard of Geelong bound drivers taking the ‘early’ exit and ending up at Pascoe Vale Road!

      I’ve only got vague memories of the old Essendon Airport merge, and the entire freeway through that section was narrow and at the bottom of a cutting.

  9. […] Melbourne’s freeway ‘ghost ramps’ * […]

  10. David Collett says:


    Nice article. I was lead designer on the Tullamarine Calder project and the section of ramp you’ve mentioned in now use to provide maintenance vehicle access to the horn shaped area between the new freeway alignment and the North bound ramp. This area of reserve contains a rather large water main in a tunnel so keeping safe access for maintenance was crucial and having this bit of road left over was a bonus for us.

    Oh and the ramp into the CityLink tunnel is also still used for emergency access and maintenance activities.

    All the best,

  11. Chris Gordon says:

    Some ghosts come back to life, the Power Street on ramp mentioned in your article, and comments about it being retained for maintenance access has been temporary reopened while the Kings Way off ramp is closed due to the crane issues.

    It is mentioned on their twitter account along with a photo.

    • Marcus Wong says:

      The Kings Way ramp closed last Friday after the nearby crane was dislodged, but it took them until 1.30pm today to realise the old ramp was still there!

      • beren scott says:

        i dont agree with closing it, if anything use those stop go lights or something, but to spend money on something and not use it? waste of money. also should have made citylink tunnels 3 lanes, what a bloody waste. id have just gone for above ground freeway. stupid tunnel hippies, i wonder what happens when the tunnel expires?

        • Julian Calaby says:

          Originally you could get onto Citylink from Power Street Southbound, Kings Way Upper and Lower Southbound and Kings Way Northbound. If I recall correctly, Vicroads decided that all these options meant there was too much merging, (particularly people using the Westgate to go between Kings Way and Montague Street) so they reconfigured the Westgate Freeway moving exits around, (like the crazy Westgate Bridge to Kings Way ramp) reconfigured the entrances to Citylink from Kings Way so you couldn’t go from City Road to Kings Way and closed the power street on-ramp, by which I mean it was fenced off with a car-park barrier to prevent access except to Citylink vehicles.

          It’s been there for as long as Citylink has, it was just closed due to Vicroads wanting to reduce merging.

          I believe Citylink used tunnels because they either couldn’t obtain the land to do it above ground or couldn’t get enough. As far as I’m aware, tunnels cost a lot more than above ground roads. They wouldn’t have gone under the Yarra without an exceptionally good reason. (Crossing both St Kilda Road and the Botanical Gardens would have been practically impossible above ground)

          As for when they “expire”, I guess they’ll be reconditioned or rebuilt.

          • beren scott says:

            they knew when they made the west gate freeway, that some form of expansion was on the cards, so they must have known that at some point they were going to need this space. old maps show a freeway reservation right? the problem to me was that the tunnels had their lifetime reduced. above ground freeway was fine above the river on the west end of melbourne, but oh noes, not some stupid botanical park that nobody ever uses. tunnels are dumb, they ensure that the road will always be tolled, whereas at some point a normal freeway will be free from tolls. paying for the preservation of a political power of the time. whos going to pay for new tunnels?

    • Marcus Wong says:

      Just three days of use, and the Power Street ramp closes again:

  12. Z123 says:

    There is also ghost ramps along the Princes Freeway, in Drouin, with the old Buln Buln Rd ramps closed off, which I believe is because the ramp comes down onto a steep hill, but I’m not quite sure

    • Julian Calaby says:

      Google Maps link:,145.8753254,643m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x6b29eaadadaf090f:0x40579a430a05d70?hl=en

      The crossover between the two sides of the Princes Freeway south of Buln Buln Road make it look like these ramps date from when the freeway was not divided and (I’m guessing) the ramps serviced both directions. (It doesn’t look like there were ever ramps on the other side. That said, there’s a bump of asphalt opposite the northern ramp which might be the last remnant of a ramp on the northern corner of this intersection.)

      I’m guessing when the freeway was upgraded, these were closed as there’s already a big interchange a couple of kilometres away to the south.

      • Marcus Wong says:

        From what I can find in old copies of the Country Roads Board annual reports, the Drouin Bypass only every existed as the current dual carriageway:

        It opened in December 1981, and ran from a point midway between Drouin and Warragul, near Lardner Track, to the existing highway just south of Old Sale Road:

        The connections to the east and west came later, but neither was near Buln Buln Road.

        • Julian Calaby says:

          I stand corrected.

          Maybe this is now for emergency vehicles? (which would explain the crossover between the highway lanes)

          • Z123 says:

            Its definitely not for emergency, as there are signs saying NO ROAD right in the middle of the off ramp

        • Cameron says:

          I think they were used during the construction of the freeway so that vehicles could use Buln Buln Road to access the road while it was being built. The fact there is one on each side of the bridge further suggests this as construction workers and vehicles needed a way to cross the gap before the bridges were built. I’d say they were kept in place until work was completed and then closed off later

  13. Mark says:

    Hi Marcus,
    Great site and in particular, a great post. The M80 / M31 realignment was a new one for me, so pretty chuffed to hear about it!
    Not sure if this could be catagorised as a stub but there is certainly provision for ramps on the M1 at Huntingdale Rd here:,145.106798,193m/data=!3m1!1e3
    You can also see former alignments of the M8 on Google too:,144.4848422,475m/data=!3m1!1e3
    Finally, I have an Edition 11 Melway from 1978 in my collection that notes a Southbound NR-1 ramp onto the Princes Freeway here:,144.7789743,628m/data=!3m1!1e3 but there is nothing at ground level suggesting it so am unsure whether it was a publishing error or what.

  14. John says:

    It looks like there was meant to be an overpass at Sunshine avenue intersecting with the calder freeway as the dirt mounds are there and have been there ever since I can remember. Not sure when this section was completed and if they ran out of money at the time.

  15. Andrew says:

    The Mornington Peninsular Freeway from Jetty Road to Boneo Road in Rosebud was an extension built by the local council. It was built along the Freeway reserve but only included what would be the Portsea bound lanes of the Freeway. This was done to assist the State Government in constructing the Freeway past the end at Jetty Road. The council did this to take traffic off Eastbourne Road, that was being used to get to the Boneo Road end of Rosebud and to the TAFE and Bunnings on Boneo .
    Though it is marked in the Melway as part of the Mornington Peninsular Freeway it is really just a council road built where the freeway will go.

  16. Tom says:

    Hi Marcus, nice photos of Anthony’s Cutting, what are your thoughts on the geelong ring road, and was the traffic in geelong really bad before then?, also are they planning on building future ramps for broderick road since they had some originally?

  17. Cameron Porteous says:

    Another disused section of freeway is the section of pavement that used to form the citybound carriageway of the Princess Highway/Freeway in Nar Nar Goon. This pavement became redundant when the Pakenham Bypass opened and the Warragul bound carriageway was converted into a 2 lane road to extend Bessie Creek Road to the highway. A portion of the disused pavement is currently used by VicRoads for storage of gravel and was also rented for 12 months for crash testing road safety equipment. This section of road was also lucky enough to have street view images taken from when it was still in use.

  18. Cameron Porteous says:

    There’s another ghost ramp at the Bell Street interchange. It became redundant when the Citylink-Tulla Widening Project was completed

  19. Cameron Porteous says:

    They are currently rebuilding the ramp at Police Road. I guess this ramp has risen from the dead

  20. Cameron says:

    There’s a ghost ramp at the M11/M3 interchange in Seaford. It became redundant when the Peninsula Link was opened and the ramp was relocated to make room for the new bridge.

  21. Michael Prymula says:

    Just found this page, really fascinating stuff as an American. Always had a fascination with ghost ramps. I’ve discovered it’s not just highways that have ghosts roads, rural areas near me have them too. There’s lanes that lead to a partially completed median-entrance-exit near where I live that just dead ends by some grass near a subdivision. I asked on a Facebook group what the deal was with that, and someone told me there were originally plans to build a strip mall there but once it was discovered that the area was all wetlands and therefore unsuitable for any kind of construction they just abandoned the project and now there’s a half finished entrance/exit with grass growing over the median that still has a no-right-turn sign right before it:,-87.8822768,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_6JxZi5mAsYDz1DBPApwGw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

    There’s also one road a few miles from me that my school bus took me past every day on the route back home that’s now blocked by concrete barriers and had it’s street sign and Dead End sign taken down(the last photos I can find of them intact are from 2007). Got curious about that one too and I found out that the nearby private-airport forced the few people that lived there to move out so they could expand the airport but it’s been over a decade since that road was blocked off and there’s still been no expansion:,-87.8780871,3a,75y,270h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8Kh1eTsf2NhpQh4R_O8wSA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

    The U.S. definitely does do things bigger, the most fascinating ghost ramps for me is this partially finished four-lane highway stack in Farmington, Connecticut:

    • Marcus Wong says:

      Thanks for the links, especially that massive interchange in Connecticut!

      My first introduction to ghost ramps online was mostly interchanges in the USA, the ones at home fly under the radar since they’re far smaller.

  22. Jordan Ferrazza says:

    Here are some I have seen on Google Maps
    – Corner of Mordalloc Freeway and Mornington Penninsula Freeway
    – Corner of Western Freeway and Old Western Highway
    – An entire ghost road, corner of Old Hume Highway and Egan Road, Glenrowan
    – (In Brisbane) Corner of Souther Cross Way and Gateway Motorway in Banyo

  23. AM says:

    You got one on the EastLink-PenLink-Peninsula Freeway interchange, but missed the other. Just between the Rutherford Rd on/off ramps. Located at -38.0973661865403, 145.14688470320243.

    • Marcus Wong says:

      Thanks for the tip – I went back in time on Google Earth and the March 2006 view shows the original setup, with just an exit ramp from the Mornington Peninsula Freeway. The current setup was created following the completion of EastLink.

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