The Others

All of the other bits and bobs I write about.

A trip ‘across the ditch’ to New Zealand

I’ve just gotten home from a two week long trip ‘across the ditch’ to New Zealand, so here’s a quick trip report. Arrival into Auckland I flew into Auckland Airport on the North Island. And immediately made my way to the Glenbrook Vintage Railway, where steam locomotive WW 644 was running for the day. I […]

Photos from ten years ago: January 2014

Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is January 2014. Regional Rail Link Work on the Regional Rail Link project is an ongoing theme, and this month is no different. Over the Christmas and New Years break, rail access to the country platforms at Southern Cross Station was […]

Bunnings Warehouse… where lowest prices are no longer

For many years the advertising tag line for Bunnings Warehouse was ‘Lowest prices are just the beginning…’ – but it doesn’t apply any more. In 2013 ‘Lowest prices are just the beginning…’ was still front and centre on their brand new stores. But by 2018 they had added a cheeky ‘Our Policy’ disclaimer in front […]

All aboard the chicken truck

The other day I photographed a mysterious looking unmarked semi trailer, and wondered what the hell it was. It was no ordinary truck, with air conditioning units on the roof, and an equipment cabinet beneath the floor – was it an outside broadcast truck? Photo by Enbytv, via Wikimedia Commons But turns out it wasn’t […]

And it’s over – two weeks of buses on the Sunbury line

This week trains finally returned to Melbourne’s west, after two weeks of rail replacement buses between Sunshine and the city, thanks to West Gate ‘Tunnel’ project works. The closure affected the Williamstown, Werribee and Sunbury lines were closed from June 23 to July 9, so that the Dynon Road bridge over the railway at North […]