If you’re the kind of person who enjoys tracking down the source of stolen photographs, then Facebook groups are the source of endless joy. I found this photo on Facebook the other week, but “retro Aussie lollies” weren’t what caught my eye – the milk bar did. It looked like a milk bar in the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’
Married men and Facebook ads for “Singles Events Melbourne”
June 10th, 2016
The other day a suggested post for “Singles Events Melbourne” showed up in my Facebook timeline. Since I’m married, it isn’t exactly something I’m interested in.
Fake Facebook screenshots aren’t hard at all
October 7th, 2014
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A few weeks ago an article about political staffers and faked Facebook posts appeared the The Age. In the ‘old’ days of the internet creating fake web pages was hard, but today it is dead easy.
A tale of mistargeted Facebook advertising
August 20th, 2013
The other day I was scrolling down my Facebook news feed, when I came across a “Suggested Post” for the ‘Village Sounds’ over 28s night at the Village Green Hotel. So how the hell did it get there?