Code geekery, web development, computers, photography, electronics, and other gadgets.
Tracing a performance issue on my web server
Managing my various web sites can be difficult at times, and my experience the other weekend was no different. My day started normally enough, as I logged onto my VPS and installed the latest security patches, then set to work on uploading new photos to my site. It was then I noticed my web site was taking minutes to load pages, not seconds, so I started to dig into the cause.
Bank transfers and account name checking
I’ve been making electronic transfers from my bank account for years and never had any trouble with them – just plug in the account name, number and BSB code into the form, and a few days later, the money arrives in the destination account. But what happens when it doesn’t work?
Fake Facebook screenshots aren’t hard at all
A few weeks ago an article about political staffers and faked Facebook posts appeared the The Age. In the ‘old’ days of the internet creating fake web pages was hard, but today it is dead easy.
Rebuilding all of my websites
I’ve had quite busy recently – on Thursday last week I discovered all of my web sites were offline, which resulted in me moving to a new hosting provider, and rebuilding every bit of content. So how did I do it?
News Limited and the ‘sslcam’ redirect
Recently I was in the middle of researching a blog post, when my internet connection crapped out, leaving me at an odd looking URL. The middle bit of it made sense – – but what is up with the domain name?