Roads and Freeways Archives - Waking up in Geelong Marcus Wong. Gunzel. Engineering geek. History nerd. Mon, 09 Dec 2024 12:11:33 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 23299142 Then and now along the West Gate Freeway Mon, 09 Dec 2024 20:30:00 +0000 Today we’re taking a ‘then and now’ tour over the West Gate Bridge. PROV image via West Gate Tunnel Project Approaching the Lower Yarra Freeway We start on the Prices Highway way back in 1969, one mile away from the junction with what was then called the ‘Lower Yarra Freeway’. VicRoads photo, via West Gate […]

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Today we’re taking a ‘then and now’ tour over the West Gate Bridge.

PROV image via West Gate Tunnel Project

Approaching the Lower Yarra Freeway

We start on the Prices Highway way back in 1969, one mile away from the junction with what was then called the ‘Lower Yarra Freeway’.

VicRoads photo, via West Gate Tunnel Project

And the view today – the ‘Lower Yarra Freeway’ is now called the West Gate Freeway, the Princes Highway via Footscray is now the secondary route, the two lanes have doubled to four, and the Western Ring Road has been added to the junction.

And the changes can also be seen at the freeway junction itself.

VicRoads photo, via West Gate Tunnel Project

Dohertys Road over the freeway having been duplicated in 2021, with more lanes underneath to come as part of the West Gate Tunnel Project.

Google Street View

On to Williamstown Road

We now move onto this 1970 view from the West Gate Freeway at Williamstown Road – an ‘End Freeway’ sign attached to the footbridge – the West Gate Bridge having collapsed during construction on 15 October 1970, with the death of 35 workers.

VicRoads photo, via West Gate Tunnel Project

And the view today with a completed bridge, and changes thanks to the West Gate Tunnel Project – tall concrete noise walls, the Woduyullul Parring footbridge completed in 2020 to replace the previous open air footbridge; and small footprint steel monopole towers that replaced the traditional lattice towers supporting the 220 kV transmission lines.

Google Street View

Onto the bridge

No traffic in this view of the West Gate Bridge before it was officially opened.

VicRoads photo, via West Gate Tunnel Project

But the main difference today – the suicide barriers hurried erected in 2010 after years of the government refusing to do so.

Google Street View

Check out the view!

And here is the view from the top, looking over to the Melbourne CBD.

VicRoads photo, via West Gate Tunnel Project

With 40 years of development filling out the skyline.

Google Street View

And down below

Headed through Port Melbourne

We start off at Graham Street interchange in Port Melbourne, with this 1983 view looking west towards the West Gate Bridge.

VicRoads photo, via West Gate Tunnel Project

And the view today – the trees are taller and the ‘UFO’ lights are gone, and more importantly, Graham Street doesn’t traverse the bridge anymore. Instead the bridge forms the connection between the Bolte Bridge and the West Gate Freeway, with the Graham Street severed in 1997 so that construction of the CityLink project could proceed.

Google Street View

And over South Melbourne

Now we are in 1987, and it is opening day of the first stage of the elevated West Gate Freeway extension through South Melbourne to St Kilda Road.

VicRoads photo, via West Gate Tunnel Project

While the view today shows the connection through to CityLink completed in 2000, and additional lanes added in 2011 as part of the Monash–CityLink–West Gate Upgrade project.

Google Street View

Footnote: a bonus bridge

And here’s a 1971 photo of workers having a smoko beneath the Grieve Parade overpass.

VicRoads photo, via West Gate Tunnel Project

In 1991 the original bridge was widened as part of the duplication of Grieve Parade – the original two lane span being joined by another four lane bridge to the west side.

Google Street View

But the heavier trucks of today were too much for the original bridge to handle, and so in January 2021 the spans were demolished as part of the West Gate Tunnel project.

Google Street View

The eastern half rebuilt with stronger concrete super-T beams, and the earthen embankments cut back to fit more traffic lanes beneath.

Google Street View

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Freeway spaghetti bowl at Keilor Park Mon, 18 Nov 2024 20:33:00 +0000 If there is a most underrated freeway interchange in Melbourne, it would have to be that between the M80 Western Ring Road and the Calder Freeway at Keilor Park. Taking a tour From the air there is a tangle of freeway lanes, ramps and frontage roads. The interchange having a total of sixteen bridges. Including: […]

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If there is a most underrated freeway interchange in Melbourne, it would have to be that between the M80 Western Ring Road and the Calder Freeway at Keilor Park.

Northbound on the Western Ring Road at the Calder Freeway

Taking a tour

From the air there is a tangle of freeway lanes, ramps and frontage roads.

Freeway interchange between the Western Ring Road and the Calder Freeway

The interchange having a total of sixteen bridges.


  • two taking the Calder Freeway over the M80 Ring Road,
  • five taking the Calder Freeway over freeway ramps,
  • two taking freeway ramps over the M80 Ring Road,
  • five bridges over railway tracks,
  • one taking Fullarton Road over the interchange,
  • and finally, a pedestrian footbridge at Collinson Street.

And increasing the complexity of the interchange are two other features – the Fullarton Road ‘frontage road’ skirts the northern edge, and Calder Freeway westbound exit for Keilor Park Drive is via a collector/distributor lane arrangement with the M80 Ring Road ramps.

But the despite the number of bridges, only four out of the possible eight freeway-to-freeway movements are possible:

  • M80 Ring Road southbound > Calder Freeway westbound,
  • Calder Freeway westbound > M80 Ring Road southbound,
  • M80 Ring Road northbound > Calder Freeway eastbound, and
  • Calder Freeway eastbound > M80 Ring Road northbound.

The other four movements being catered for by other routes:

  • M80 Ring Road southbound > Calder Freeway eastbound via Tullamarine Freeway from the M80 Ring Road interchange,
  • Calder Freeway westbound > M80 Ring Road northbound via Tullamarine Freeway from the Calder Freeway interchange,
  • M80 Ring Road northbound > Calder Freeway westbound via Keilor Park Drive, and
  • Calder Freeway eastbound > M80 Ring Road southbound via Keilor Park Drive.

And local traffic – for the Calder Freeway they have to use the Woorite Place, Fullarton Road or McNamara Avenue exits; for the M80 Ring Road they need to use Keilor Park Drive or Airport Drive.

So how did this mess of roads come to be?

A history of the Calder Freeway, Keilor Park Drive, and the M80 Western Ring Road

We start back in 1971, when Keilor Park was a recently developed suburb, there was no such thing as Keilor Park Drive, and the Calder Highway was just a normal road. The only sign of what was to come – two faint purple lines marking future freeways.

Melway edition 5, 1971

By 1975 the first stage of the Calder Freeway had been completed from Niddrie, terminating at Keilor East – and the first sign of Keilor Park Drive.

Melway edition 8, 1975

By 1976 the Calder Highway had been deviated towards the Keilor Cemetery, ready for a freeway extension.

Melway edition 9, 1976

Keilor Park Drive was completed by 1978, and the planned ring road alignment had been extended south of the Calder Freeway.

Melway edition 11, 1978

By 1979 work on the Calder Freeway extension west to Keilor was underway.

Melway edition 12, 1979

Completed by 1982.

Melway edition 14, 1982

There things stayed still, until 1989 saw the planned alignment for the Western Ring Road tweaked.

Melway edition 19, 1989

The debate over the interchange

Early planning for the Western Ring Road was undecided about the provision of an interchange with the Calder Freeway, due to the impacts on the surrounding area.

The planning scheme reservation across the Calder Freeway is about 30 metres wide and is inadequate to accommodate the WRR. No allowance was made in previous planning for the additional land that would be required for an interchange between the WRR and the Calder Freeway . As a result, development has been allowed to proceed right up to the reservation boundary. South of the Calder Freeway is the East Keilor industrial area, consisting of small industrial premises, while to the north is the residential area of Keilor Park.

Four interchange options were subject to detailed investigation.

  • a ‘no-interchange’ option requlrlng turning traffic between the Calder and the WRR to use nearby local access interchanges and local roads . This would include grade separation of the two routes and acquisition of 15 business premises at a cost of $14m. It would cause significant increases in through traffic on local roads;
  • build an interchange, with a range of alternatives examined including a diamond interchange (with signals on the WRR), a bridged rotary and a number of freeway to freeway variations. The cost would range from $27m for a diamond to $52 for freeway to freeway. Up to 75 business premises and 30 houses would be required.

The recommended solution was a two-level interchange with turning roadways in two quadrants, with a September 1989 information bulletin stating.

There has been a lot of community discussion about whether or not an interchange should be built to connect the WRR with the Calder Freeway.

If an interchange were not built, there would be big increases in traffic on local arterial roads, such as Milleara Road and Keilor Park Drive. An interchange is therefore favoured despite its estimated cost of up to $50m and the effect on a number of houses and businesses.

Following recent discussions with local residents, further ideas have been examined. These would not separate through traffic from local traffic, and would still impact on a similar number of properties.

It is therefore proposed to reserve enough land for an interchange at the location originally shown (immediately west of the SEC power lines).

This would require a section of Fullarton Road to be moved. Space would be provided for landscaping and noise barriers to protect houses in Keilor Park.

These changes being included in the Western Road Road Environmental Effects Statement advertised in December 1989.

Featuring a long list of land use changes in Keilor Park and East Keilor.



The Proposed Secondary Road link to Cecelia Drive is to be deleted. It previously provided a local connection between Buckley Street and the Calder Freeway which is now to be via the Dodds Road interchange and the new connection through former Commonwealth land to Milleara Road (see item 16 below). The reservation is to be rezoned to appropriate abutting zoning (Residential C and Proposed Public Open Space reservation).


An area of land to the north of the previous Cecelia Drive route, which is zoned for Reserved Light Industrial, will be impossible to develop for industrial purposes because of access difficulties. It is proposed to be rezoned to Proposed Public Open Space as an extension of the Maribymong Valley Park. The area will be capable of providing for pedestrian/cycle access into the park from the new Dodds Road connection. It is owned by the MMBW.


A large area of land reserved for Commonwealth purposes in Milleara Road has been sold and is being subdivided for housing. The site is to be rezoned to Reserved Living, in accordance with the proposed use. Incorporated within the zone will be a Secondary Road reservation which provides for the connection between Dodds Road interchange and Milleara Road, on the alignment included within the approved plan of subdivision.


As part of the necessary connections between the existing road network and the Ring Road, the Roads Corporation are intending to construct a connection between the Dodds Road interchange and Keilor Park Drive. This route will utilise the existing reservation and Cemetery road to the southern boundary of the cemetery, then deviate westwards to join Keilor Park Drive. A portion of Brimbank Park, reserved for Proposed Public Open Space, is to be amended to Proposed Secondary Road and an excised remnant amended to Proposed Cemetery to allow for future expansion of the adjoining Keilor Cemetery. The deviation shall involve the least acquisition necessary to achieve a satisfactory road alignment.


Land north-east of the proposed Dodds road interchange has recently been subdivided for industrial purposes. The zoning is to be rationalised to provide a Reserved Light Industrial Zone along the railway opposite future housing (Item 16). A proposed reservation for re-instating access to the Slater Parade Industrial Area is also provided (Proposed Public Purposes 20).


The area between the new Dodds Road/Keilor Park Drive link and the Ring Road is currently zoned for a variety of industrial and other uses. It is intended to rationalise the zoning for this area.
The existing Reserved Light Industrial and Reserved General Industrial Zones will be amended to a Restricted Light Industrial zone which will allow greater control over buildings and works.


Land severed from Brimbank Park by Cemetery Road deviation and public open space reservation due east of the Keilor Cemetery is proposed to be included in a Proposed Cemetery Reservation. This will provide for a much needed extension of the cemetery. Open space lost in the extension will be replaced in the area south of Dodds Road interchange (see Item 15).


Access is to be restored to the properties west of the Ring Road in the Prendergast Avenue area. The new road (shown as Proposed Public Purposes 20) will provide subdivisional opportunities which can be taken up by the owner by agreement with the Council and the Roads Corporation.


The Roads Corporation proposes to construct a freeway-to-freeway interchange between the Ring Road and the Calder Freeway. The construction may take place in stages, to match traffic growth and may initially include some at grade intersections with traffic signals. These would later be replaced by free flow ramps. The Proposed Main Road reservation included in this amendment provides for the total land requirements for the final interchange. This also provides for a deviation of Fullarton Road around the interchange to maintain access between Keilor Park and Airport West.


The present planning scheme shows the Calder Freeway between Woorite Place and the Maribyrnong River as a mixture of Main Road, Proposed Main Road and Road Widening reservations. The boundaries of these reservations have been changed to match the layout of the freeway.

Time to build

Plans for the Western Ring Road had been made real by 1991, when a whole slew of new proposed roads added to the Melway – including the Western Ring Road, an interchange with the Calder Freeway, and a southward extension of Keilor Park Drive to Milleara Road.

Melway edition 21, 1991

Work started on the 2.6 km long extension of Keilor Park Drive to Milleara Road in 1993, opening to traffic on 11 April 1994 at a cost of $20 million. A further $5 million was spent on the duplication of Keilor Park Drive and Sharps Road, in preparation for the traffic that the next stage of the Western Ring Road would bring – but the Calder Freeway interchange was still ‘proposed’.

Melway edition 23, 1995

But the interchange was approved soon after – detailed design work commenced in 1992 with construction planned to start in 1996, with completed by 1998. However additional funding from the Federal Government saw the project sped up – construction commenced in May 1994 under two contracts, with a 90 week deadline:

  • Stage 1: $30 million contract with Fletcher Construction Australia and Sinclair Knight Merz for the construction of four road bridges, three bridges over rail lines and the extension the existing pedestrian footbridge.
  • Stage 2: $14.6 million contract with Transfield Constructions and Roche Bros to widen the Calder Freeway from Keilor Park Drive to McNamara Avenue, build six road bridges, and widen two bridges over the railway.

1996 saw the interchange marked as ‘under construction’ in the Melway, and the western ramps at the Calder Freeway / Woorite Place interchange had been closed.

Melway edition 24, 1996

With the freeway network reaching the current state in 1998.

Melway edition 25, 1998

Today the only different is the number of lanes: the Western Ring Road north of the Calder Freeway interchange was widened to four lanes in 2013, the section to the south following in 2018.

And the streets wiped off the map

To make room for the freeway interchange a compulsory acquisition process was started in 1993, and by February 1995 twenty out of 30 houses in Keilor Park had been demolished, with 75 commercial and industrial properties due to follow.

By the time the area was cleared, Prendergast Avenue, Webber Parade, Tunnecliffe Avenue, Hogan Parade had all been wiped off the map, along with a portion of the ‘Milleara Estate’ by landscape architect Walter Burley Griffin, designer of Canberra.

Footnote: ghost ramp on the Calder Freeway

The interchange of the Calder Freeway and Woorite Place was once a full diamond, but the ramps to the west were removed to eliminate weaving movements with traffic from the Western Ring Road.

Google Maps

The remains on the eastbound off ramp are still visible today as a ‘ghost ramp‘.

Google Street View

Footnote: building bridges

The paper Design and Construct Bridge Structures on the Western Ring Road — Calder Freeway Interchange by Mark Percival and Duncan Kinder details the construction of the bridges at the interchange.

Each of a unique design.

Fullarton Road Bridge
Fullarton Road formerly ran parallel to the Calder Freeway between Matthews Avenue to the east and Keilor Park Drive to the west, providing vehicular access to private housing on the northern side of the freeway. Construction of a grade separation structure over the proposed Western Ring Road was required to maintain this access. The bridge carries two lanes of traffic (one in each direction) and has a 2m wide footpath located along the northern side of the bridge.

Ramp A Bridge
This bridge was provided to allow vehicles travelling north along the Western Ring Road to exit off the Ring Road and join the Calder Freeway, leading back into Melbourne. The bridge is constructed parallel to the Fullarton Road Bridge and spans over the Western Ring Road, Ramp C and Ramp D.

Ramp C Bridge
Ramp C provides access for traffic heading south along the Western Ring Road to exit north towards Bendigo along the Calder Freeway.

Ramp D Bridge
This bridge provides access for southbound traffic from the Calder Freeway to enter the westbound carriageway of the Western Ring Road. As well as being curved in plan, it has a high skew. (21° at the west abutment, 30° at the east abutment)

Fullarton Road over Rail Bridge, Ramp A Rail Bridge and Ramp B Rail Bridge
Ramp A and Ramp B Rail Bridges were provided to allow access on or off the Western Ring Road, and Fullarton Road over Rail Bridge was required to maintain access to the existing access road. All three bridges over the Albion to Broadmeadows Rail Line provide for two lanes of traffic. The Fullarton Road over Rail Bridge also included a pedestrian footpath. Each bridge comprises three simply supported spans varying in length from 11.4m to 15.2m.

Collinson Street Footbridge
The existing Collinson Street Footbridge over the Calder Freeway required extension to provide access over both Ramp C and E. The existing circular ramp at the southern end of the bridge was demolished and the bridge extended at the south end with 4 additional spans.

The curved road bridges were concrete box girders cast in place, with the roadway beneath excavated following completion of the bridge; while the bridges over the railway were conventional super ‘T’ beams lowered into place by cranes.

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A public–private partnership for pothole repairs Mon, 09 Sep 2024 21:30:00 +0000 All across Victoria potholes are a common sight, as finding for basic repairs has been funneled away for grand traffic congestion inducing projects like the West Gate Tunnel. But there is one exception – a few roads in Melbourne that were upgraded as part of the ‘Western Roads Upgrade’ project. So why are they different? […]

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All across Victoria potholes are a common sight, as finding for basic repairs has been funneled away for grand traffic congestion inducing projects like the West Gate Tunnel. But there is one exception – a few roads in Melbourne that were upgraded as part of the ‘Western Roads Upgrade’ project. So why are they different?

Road maintenance vehicle at work on Anderson Road, Sunshine - one of the roads upgraded by Netflow under the Western Roads Upgrade public private partnership

The Western Roads Upgrade

The $1.8 billion Western Roads Upgrade project was launched in 2018 and completed in 2021.

And included upgrades to eight arterial roads in Melbourne’s west.

A93 signage on Forsyth Road northbound approaching Old Geelong Road

Massive new intersections.

Upgraded intersection at Boundary Road and Palmers Road

And the resurfacing of 260 km of existing roads between Footscray to Werribee.

Transdev bus #168 BS03KR on route 903 heads past roadwork on Wright Street, Sunshine

So why haven’t these roads fallen apart in the years that have followed?

It’s because the upgrade was delivered part of a convoluted public–private partnership between the Department of Transport and Planning and a private consortium called ‘Netflow’, which sees the government give them buckets of money for the next 20 years to maintain the road, with a compliance regime that will penalise them for as little as a pothole.

To manage these contractual obligations, you need data – so the Netflow consortium has a fleet of inspection vehicles continually doing laps of the western suburbs.

Road surface inspection vehicle heads along Wright Street, one of the roads upgraded by Netflow under the Western Roads Upgrade public private partnership

Covered in LiDAR sensors looking for faults in the road surface.

Road surface inspection vehicle heads along Wright Street, one of the roads upgraded by Netflow under the Western Roads Upgrade public private partnership

And maintenance crews in ‘Western Roads Upgrade’ branded vans ready to swoop in and fix faults ASAP.

Road maintenance vehicle at work on Anderson Road, Sunshine - one of the roads upgraded by Netflow under the Western Roads Upgrade public private partnership

Their marketing blurb describing it as:

Netflow is transforming the way road maintenance is performed in Victoria, using real-time data on the condition of the network to employ maintenance strategies that minimise disruption and maximise whole-of-life value.

This more efficient maintenance program is resulting in an average of one road per week being resurfaced.

The core of Netflow’s whole-of-life maintenance solution is the central Network Delivery Hub.

The 24/7 hub monitors the performance of the network in real time, providing a seamless interface with the Department of Transport, local councils and other third parties to implement dynamic-scheduled works, keep communities informed, predict and prevent issues, and coordinate timely responses to incidents.

The use of vehicle-mounted street scanning technology, drones, 3D modelling and physical inspections allow Netflow to schedule preventative maintenance and reduce road closures.

This whole-of-life approach provides best-in-class maintenance of the road network at a lower cost.

Meanwhile for every other road in Victoria, the government just keeps kicking the can down the road, because they aren’t accountable to anyone.

So why not keep doing it

If the Western Roads Upgrade project was so successful in getting rid of potholes, why doesn’t the government do more upgrades like this? Turns out the private companies behind it lost money by underbidding.

The Andrews government’s $1.8 billion Western Roads Upgrade has stalled after a key subcontractor walked off the job with just $920 remaining in its accounts, leaving other subcontractors millions of dollars out of pocket.

The Sunday Age can also reveal the head contractor on the project, South-African headquartered and Perth-based WBHO, has reported $133 million in losses after it admitted to under-bidding to win the work, and its executive chairman, Louwtjie Nel, conceded the project was the company’s “biggest error in 50 years”.

WBHO’s main subcontractor, little known western suburbs-based civil engineering firm Civilink, quit in August and has gone into liquidation, owing creditors at least $13 million.

And so the tender process on the South Eastern Roads Upgrade Project and Northern Roads Upgrade Project were terminated in July 2020 – replaced by the $2.2 billion Suburban Roads Upgrade to be delivered as 12 individual projects by a pre-qualified panel in an approach modelled on the Level Crossing Removal Project.

Footnote: digging into the legalese

The full details of the public–private partnership can be found in the “Outer Suburban Arterial Roads Program – Western Package” Project Deed.

For a start, look at the corporate structure.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety on behalf of the Crown in right of
the State of Victoria

Netflow OSARS (Western) Pty Ltd as trustee for Netflow OSARS (Western) Unit Trust for and on behalf of the Netflow OSARS (Western) Partnership and Cintra OSARS (Western) Pty Ltd as trustee for Cintra OSARS (Western) Unit Trust for and on behalf of the Netflow OSARS (Western) Partnership (Project Co)

And it’s contractors, investors and financiers all the way down.

D&C contractor

The D&C contractor is WBHO Infrastructure Pty Ltd. Project Co has appointed the D&C contractor to design and construct the eight Arterial Road Upgrades and the Initial Rehabilitation Works.

Significant subcontractors

The D&C contractor has appointed the following significant subcontractors to deliver elements of the Arterial Road Upgrades:
• Ace Infrastructure Pty Ltd;
• Civilex Victoria Pty Ltd; and
• Winslow Constructors Pty Ltd

Contracts with other subcontractors are expected to be executed shortly.

Equity investors

The following entities have committed to provide the equity required for Project Co:
• Plenary Investments (Western OSARS) Pty Ltd
• Cintra OSARs Western Ltd

Financiers (long term)

The following entities have provided the long term debt required for the Project:
• DB Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
• Pensionskasse Des Bundes Publica
• Samsung IFM Global Infrastructure Debt Professional Investment Private Investment Trust No. 1
• Manulife Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited
• Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America

Financiers (short term)
The following entities have committed to provide the short term debt required for the Project:
• Westpac Banking Corporation
• Bank of China Limited
• Mizuho Bank, Ltd
• Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

VicRoads gives this as their justification for completing the upgrade as a public–private partnership.

A range of procurement options that are typically considered for high-value road construction projects were assessed based on their suitability and value for money drivers in reference to the specific characteristics of the Western Roads Upgrade. The following four procurement options were shortlisted on the basis that they represented models currently in use and have a history of utilisation by VicRoads or other State agencies:

  • design and construct;
  • alliance;
  • design, build and maintain; and
  • design, build, finance and maintenance (availability-based PPP).

Following a procurement options assessment of the shortlisted procurement options, the availability based PPP delivery model was the highest ranked procurement option. This option was recommended, and subsequently approved by the State, for delivery of the Project.

The key considerations in recommending an availability-based PPP model are summarised below.

  • The model provides increased opportunity for the State to harness private sector innovation and structure a contract that incentivises whole-of-life efficiencies to arterial road investment.
  • The bundling of construction and maintenance tasks under a long-term agreement (subject to vigorous competition) can drive efficiency in delivery and asset management. Introducing private finance also provides additional discipline and scrutiny of risk (for example, financier due diligence and oversight). The PPP model can also be expected to deliver improved and more consistent road asset conditions under a PPP commercial structure involving an appropriate KPI and abatement regime.
  • On a ‘whole-of-life’ cost comparison basis, PPPs have been documented to deliver better value for money outcomes as compared to traditional contracting delivery methods (separate, unbundled contracts) and have been successfully deployed across a range of sectors (including roads) in Victoria. These benefits are not only limited to cost savings but also include improved and more consistent road asset conditions. A focus on longer term, ‘whole-of-life’ contracting also incentives private sector innovation in terms of how best to maintain the asset over the term in the most cost effective and efficient manner.

Prior to the release of an invitation for EOI, a market sounding of the relevant industry, including sponsors, contractors, road maintenance providers and financiers, was undertaken. The feedback from this process supported the State’s selection of a PPP model to deliver the Project and achieve the State’s objectives.

Along with a calculation of the ‘Public Sector Comparator’ that they used to argue that a PPP saved the government money.

The Public Sector Comparator is an estimate of the hypothetical, risk adjusted, whole-of-life cost of the Project if delivered by the State. The PSC is developed in accordance with the output specification and risk allocation proposed for the private sector party arrangement and is based on the most likely and efficient form of conventional (that is, non-PPP) delivery by the State.

The PSC is expressed in terms of the net present cost (NPC) to the State, calculated using a discounted cash flow method taking full account of the costs and risks that would arise through State delivery. The PSC includes amounts for the design and construction of Arterial Road Upgrades and Initial Rehabilitation Works, as well as maintenance and lifecycle and other costs during the Maintenance Phase of the Project.

The PSC is made up of a number of elements as contained in Table 7.

Components of the PSC NPC ($millions)
Arterial Road Upgrades and Initial Rehabilitation Works (construction costs) $ 622
Maintenance and lifecycle costs $ 438
Raw PSC $ 1,060
Transferred risk $ 100
Proposal Comparable PSC $ 1,160

The quantitative value for money assessment, as demonstrated by the estimated savings between the Proposal Comparable PSC and the final Proposal is shown in Table 8.

Public Sector Comparator
(NPC – $millions)
$ 1,160
Final Proposal (NPC– $millions) $ 1,133
Estimated savings (%) 2.3%

Something much easier to understand is the scope – divided up into three objectives:

Arterial Road Upgrades (ARU)

The design, construction and financing of eight ARUs in Melbourne’s west during the Initial Phase, consisting of:

• The duplication of Dunnings Road between Point Cook Road and Palmers Road and the duplication of Palmers Road between Dunnings Road and Overton Road;
• The duplication of Palmers Road between Overton Road and Boundary Road and Robinsons Road between Boundary Road and the Western Freeway including the realignment of Palmers Road across Sayers Road;
• The duplication of Derrimut Road between Sayers Road and Dohertys Road;
• The duplication of Leakes Road between Fitzgerald Road and Derrimut Road;
• The duplication of Dohertys Road between Fitzgerald Road and Grieve Parade;
• The duplication of Dohertys Road between Foundation Road and Palmers Road;
• The duplication of Forsyth Road between Old Geelong Road and Wallace Avenue, including the re-alignment of Forsyth Road and Old Geelong Road; and
• The replacement of the existing Duncans Road Bridge over the Princes Freeway West and the addition of westerly (or Geelong) orientated ramps.

Initial Rehabilitation Works

Improvement works on road pavements and structures within the Maintenance Network during the Initial Phase to meet service standards.

Maintenance Services

Delivery of maintenance and lifecycle services (routine and periodic) within the Maintenance Network during the Maintenance Phase.

As are the key performance indicators Project Co is required to meet.

The KPIs set out in the KPI Summary of this Annexure B are separated into 7 categories, being:
1. Inspections;
2. Response;
3. Compliance;
4. Pavement performance;
5. Structures performance;
6. Reporting; and
7. Safety.

Which then explodes into an enormous level of detail regarding the Project Scope and Delivery Requirements (PSDR).

1.1 Hazard Inspection
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that safety inspections are carried out in accordance with the safety inspections requirements set out in the Code of Maintenance Standards.

1.2 Defect Inspection
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that inspections are carried out in accordance with the defect inspections requirements set out in the Code of Maintenance Standards.

1.3 Structure Condition Inspection
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that inspections are carried out in accordance with the condition inspections requirements set out in section 8.2(b)(i)(B) of Part F7 and section 8.3(b)(ii) of Part F7 of the PSDR and the Code of Maintenance Standards.

2.1 Hazard Response
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that the hazard response, from the time Project Co identifies a hazard by inspection or receives notification from the State or VicRoads of a hazard to the time the hazard is rectified by Project Co, is compliant with the requirements set out in the Code of Maintenance Standards.

2.2 Defect Response
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that the Defect response, from the time Project Co identifies a Defect by inspection or receives notification from the State or VicRoads of a Category A and/or a Category B Defect to the time the Defect is rectified by Project Co.

2.3 Emergency Response
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that the emergency response, from the time Project Co receives notification from the State or VicRoads of an Emergency Event to the time the Emergency Event is responded to by Project Co.

3.1 Code of Maintenance Standards
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that all activities (to the extent not already captured under KPI items 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3) set out in the Code of Maintenance Standards, under items RM411 to RM416 and RM611 to 613 and RM 615 identified in the Table 750.H11 -Routine Maintenance Intervention Criteria and Response are completed in accordance with the requirements set out in the section 7 of Part F7 of the PSDR.

3.2 Forecast Maintenance and Refurbishment Plan
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that all activities set out in the Forecast Maintenance and Refurbishment Plan are completed in accordance with that plan (as updated and reviewed by the State in accordance with the Review Procedures on an annual basis to reflect the condition monitoring of Project Assets).

3.3 Communications and Community Relations Plan During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure that all activities set out in the Communications and Community Relations Plan are completed in accordance with that plan.

And into the gory details of road surface quality.

4.1 Roughness – Network based
During the Maintenance Phase (Initial), Project Co must ensure roughness limits set out in section 8.2(a)(ii) of Part F7 of the PSDR, are as a minimum achieved for pavement on the Project Roads.

4.2 Rutting – Network based
During the Maintenance Phase (Initial), Project Co must ensure rutting limits set out in section 8.2(a)(iii) of Part F7 of the PSDR, are as a minimum achieved for pavement on the Project Roads.

4.2.1 Rutting – Pavement Reporting Section based
During the Maintenance Phase (Full) an individual KPI Incident will occur for each 100m lane section of any Pavement Reporting Section failing to meet these requirements as set out in section 8.3(a)(iii)(B) of Part F7 of the PSDR.

5.1 Structures Performance
During the Maintenance Phase (Initial) in relation only to Existing Structural Assets, Project Co must ensure that Existing Structural Assets are operating at their designed load, speed, and availability levels with no restrictions applied, in accordance with the requirements set out in section 8.2(b)(i)(A) of Part F7 of the PSDR.

Submitting paperwork.

6.1 Asset Management System Availability
During the Maintenance Phase, Project Co must ensure the Asset Management System is available to the State and VicRoads, in accordance with the requirements set out in section 1 of Part D of the PSDR.

7.1 General Reporting
During the Initial Phase, Project Co must submit Monthly Development Phase Progress Reports and the Monthly Maintenance Phase Performance Reports in accordance with the Deed.

And finally – Safety.

8.1 Safety
During the Initial Phase and Maintenance Phase, an individual Safety KPI Incident is an Event for incidents which result in a Lost Time Injury (LTI), Total and Permanent Disability or Fatality to any employee, or contractor, or consultant of Project Co or its contractors or sub-contractors in connection with the performance of the Services or Works.

at least they’ve created a lot of email jobs along the way.

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]]> 4 17090
Double stacked containers and road trains Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:30:00 +0000 Trains have been around for years, as have intermodal containers, and the advent of double stacking enabled trains to carry twice as many containers as before. But what if you tried the same with a truck? Double stacking containers on trucks In 2023 Qube Logistics along with the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and the […]

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Trains have been around for years, as have intermodal containers, and the advent of double stacking enabled trains to carry twice as many containers as before. But what if you tried the same with a truck?

53 foot containers stacked atop 40 foot containers in well wagons

Double stacking containers on trucks

In 2023 Qube Logistics along with the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) tested something new at the Port of Brisbane in Australia – a double stack container truck, of 8TEU (twenty-foot equivalent) capacity.

Qube photo

The pair of specially designed trailers were designed by The Drake Group.

And Prime Mover Magazine writing about the trial.

Qube pioneers double stacked container vehicle
June 8, 2023

A double stacked container vehicle has been trialled for the first time on port and public roads in Australia.

The Super B-double Double Stacked vehicle was operated by Qube as part of a trial conducted under stringent safety and operational conditions at the Port of Brisbane.

Both the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) oversaw the trial which involved the vehicle carrying eight empty twenty-foot equivalent (TEU) containers on a defined route within Qube’s port facilities and limited public port roads.

The trial was conducted under a temporary permit from the NHVR and temporary consent granted by PBPL as the Port’s road manager.

The Super B was pulled by a Scania prime mover.

Nicknamed ‘the London Project’ in homage to London’s iconic double decker buses, the high productivity vehicles have the potential to increase operational efficiencies, given their ability to move 12 TEUs at a time.

Qube also expects the double stacked triple trailing units produced by O’Phee Trailers and the Drake Group, will lower emissions by eliminating truck movements.

PBPL CEO, Neil Stephens, congratulated all who were involved on the successful trial which followed a significant period of design, engineering and consultation by Qube with its stakeholders, including PBPL.

“This is a fantastic outcome for Qube and all parties involved today. It’s also a clear demonstration of the collaboration and innovation being achieved by our customers and partners here at the Port that’s enhancing productivity and efficiency in their operations,” said Stephens.

“As Port Manager, one of our key priorities is investing in infrastructure to support supply chain efficiency,” he said.

“We were pleased to deliver road improvement works and upgrade the access/egress to a number of facilities to support this new vehicle and Qube’s innovation.”

Under its current permit and consent conditions, the new double stacked vehicle will transport empty containers on a defined route within Qube’s facility and limited public port roads, under stringent safety and operational conditions.

Why not three trailers?

In December 2023 an even longer double stack truck was tested – with a third trailer being added.

Qube photo

Taking capacity to 12 TEU.

Prime Mover Magazine reporting on the trial.

Qube trials Super B-triple double-stack in Brisbane
December 15, 2023

Port cartage and logistics specialist, Qube, has successfully completed the first on-road trial of a Super B-triple double-stack combination at the Port of Brisbane.

Approved under Performance-Based Standards, the combination will move empty containers to vessels from nearby facilities.

Earlier this year the double-stack trial took place as part of Project London Stage 1 at the Port – the first time a Super B double-stacked container vehicle had run on port roads in Australia.

Yesterday was the first trial for Stage 2, and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and ARRB – Australian Road Research Board were at the trial, which was conducted under stringent safety and operational conditions.

The trial, as with all others, was conducted on highly controlled port roads.

Stacked to an Australian-first height of over seven metres, this PBS innovation is anticipated by Qube to bring a significant boost to productivity when transporting empty containers – saving both money and time.

The product of a collaboration between O’Phee Trailers and The Drake Group with National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and the Port of Brisbane, these high-productivity vehicles have the potential to increase operational efficiencies, given their ability to move 12 x 20ft containers at a time.

“As Port Manager, it’s fantastic to be working with our customers to continually improve productivity, through innovative and sustainably focused transport delivery,” said the Port of Brisbane in an online statement.

Or a road train?

How about a 300-metre long double stacked road train, weighing 750 tonnes?

Volvo photo

Volvo Trucks put together such a consist back in 2016 as a publicity stunt to demonstrate the capabilities of their trucks.

Volvo FH16 and I-Shift with crawler gears pull 750 tonnes

In a great power test, a Volvo FH16 featuring the I-Shift with crawler gears manages to haul a 300-metre long container train, weighing 750 tonnes, from standstill.

The purpose of the record-breaking haul is to demonstrate the capabilities of the I-Shift transmission with crawler gears. It offers starting traction that is unlike anything else on the market for series-produced trucks. The crawler ratios make it possible to haul really heavy loads, start off in difficult terrain, and drive at speeds as low as 0.5 km/h. Specially built trucks are normally used for exceptionally heavy loads, but during a great power test we are using a Volvo FH16 that has come virtually straight from the factory.

In the port of Gothenburg, on a winterday beginning of 2016, a reach stacker places the last shipping container on a road train that stretches over 300 metres long. The 40 containers are loaded with spare parts from Volvo, which will be shipped to various destinations around the world. But right now, they are being used in an attempt at a world record – a Volvo FH16 750 truck will try to pull the 750-tonne load. Hopefully it will be possible thanks to the I-Shift with crawler gears. It can start from standstill with 325 tonnes, but can it start with 750 tonnes? “I’ve been counting on this. It should … it should be possible,” says Niklas Öberg, one of the engineers who helped develop the new gearbox.

For a single truck to tow 750 tonnes, the conditions have to be perfect. The whole rig must be meticulously loaded in order not to collapse, all towing couplings must be checked and the air pressure in all 204 tyres must be continuously adjusted. In addition, the ground should be dry, as moisture can make the truck slip. The onsite crew discuss the weather. Just days earlier there was persistent wind and rain, but right now it looks as if it will actually be possible.

The crew signal to the cab that they should make an attempt. The engine purrs, Magnus engages the minimum crawler gear and revs up the engine. But something goes wrong. The truck roars and the front of the cab starts to rise into the air. “Stop! Stop!” screams Niklas Öberg, waving his arms. Magnus releases the gas and the cab front hits the ground.

The team is now looking at the trailers and pressurising the air system to release the brakes on each trailer for another attempt. Magnus leans back and pushes down on the accelerator. The engine rumbles and at first nothing happens. Then it begins: A super-slow forward motion. Slowly but steadily, the 300-metre, 750-tonne container train crawls forward. The truck approaches the finishing line – 100 metres from the starting point – and the crowd cheer as it passes.

I’ve seen trains smaller than this record breaking truck!

Further reading

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]]> 8 22057
Fixing a failing retaining wall in St Albans Mon, 08 Apr 2024 20:30:00 +0000 How long does it take VicRoads to fix a failing retaining wall? Well, in the case of the Taylors Road underpass at St Albans, it only took them a decade. The story begins Once upon a time Taylors Road was a road in the middle of nowhere, beyond the edge of suburban Melbourne. Melway Edition […]

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How long does it take VicRoads to fix a failing retaining wall? Well, in the case of the Taylors Road underpass at St Albans, it only took them a decade.

Failing retaining wall propped up in the Taylors Road underpass at Keilor Plains

The story begins

Once upon a time Taylors Road was a road in the middle of nowhere, beyond the edge of suburban Melbourne.

Melway Edition 1, Map 13

But Melbourne soon caught up, with boom barriers provided at the level crossing in 1986, and suburban electric trains to Watergardens station following in 2002.

Weston Langford photo

And so in 2006 the Taylors Road Project was given the go ahead to remove the level crossing.

The Taylors Road rail underpass project eliminated a railway level crossing and a five-leg roundabout between Carbine Way and Kerrison Avenue in St. Albans, Melbourne’s north-west. This AU$54 million project constructed a new road underpass beneath rural-metropolitan rail lines improving safety for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, public transport, rail users and eased traffic congestion.

The first stage of the main contract was to transfer traffic south of the roundabout to provide sufficient work area to construct the rail bridge. The bridge was constructed on two concrete beams east of the existing railway line, minimising disruption to the rail services. Once this 1200 tonne rail bridge was completed, a 56 hour weekend occupation of the railway line was programmed for October 2007 to jack the bridge into its final position with replacement buses provided in lieu of the normal rail services.

Following successful placement of the bridge that weekend, the next stage was to complete excavation under the rail bridge, construction of associated retaining walls and the road beneath including the a signalised intersection. Road traffic was transferred under the bridge in September 2008 and the project was officially opened at the end of November 2008, ahead of time.

Google Street View imagery from December 2007 shows work on the new bridge well underway.

Google Street View December 2007

With the next Google Street View run in January 2010 showing a completed underpass.

Google Street View January 2010

And the cracks begins

November 2017 I first noticed the underpass looked a little decrepit – with rusted steel beams supporting a cracked concrete wall, with staff in hi-vis looking it over.

Staff inspect a failing retaining wall at the Taylors Road underpass at Keilor Plains

But Google Street View suggests those beams had been there since 2014 at least.

Google Street View Feubrary 2014

The props were still there in 2018.

Failing retaining wall propped up in the Taylors Road underpass at Keilor Plains

And by 2022 they’d been joined by a few pieces of sheetmetal.

Failing retaining wall propped up in the Taylors Road underpass at Keilor Plains

And then in February 2023 – survey prisms has also been added.

Failing retaining wall propped up in the Taylors Road underpass at Keilor Plains

Just in time for VicRoads to announce they were finally going to fix the problem.

Maintenance works at Taylors Road and East Esplanade
Location: Keilor Downs
Type: Road Status: Underway
We’re completing maintenance works on the retaining wall at the corner of Taylors Road and East Esplanade.

As part of these works we will also be installing new pavement surface on a section of East Esplanade Service Road and Taylors Road Service Road.

What we’re doing

– Remediation works on the retaining wall at Taylors Road and East Esplanade
– Installing a section of new pavement surface on East Esplanade Service Road and Taylors Road Service Road
– Repainting the retaining wall.

When to expect us

You may see crews on site from Monday 6 February as they complete site investigations and begin to establish a worksite ahead of works commencing Monday 13 February. Works are expected to take seven weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Works will take place Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm and some Saturdays, as required.

What to expect

During these works, you can expect:

– Temporary lane and footpath closures on Taylors Road and East Esplanade with signage and traffic controllers in place
– Temporary closure of Taylors Road Service Road and East Esplanade Service Road. Traffic controllers will be in place to assist residents accessing their property
– Temporary impacts to on-street parking on Taylors Road Service Road and East Esplanade Service Road
– Non-local traffic wanting to access Taylors Road Service Road and East Esplanade Service Road will be detoured via Charles Street and Power Street
– Reduced speeds during works to ensure the safety of our crews and motorists
– High levels of noise and dust, we’ll work towards minimising these impacts as much as possible.

With the new road surface and patched up retaining wall visible when I went past a few weeks ago.

Failing retaining wall in the Taylors Road underpass at Keilor Plains finally fixed

I wonder what other bits of crumbing infrastructure are also propped up across Melbourne.

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]]> 8 20922
Stuck truck under the Napier Street bridge Mon, 18 Mar 2024 20:30:00 +0000 Trucks getting stuck under the Montague Street bridge is a running Melbourne joke, but there is another bridge that gets hit far more often, but where the risk to the public is far worse – the Napier Street bridge in Footscray. The incident On Sunday 3 March a so-called ‘professional’ driver of a container truck […]

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Trucks getting stuck under the Montague Street bridge is a running Melbourne joke, but there is another bridge that gets hit far more often, but where the risk to the public is far worse – the Napier Street bridge in Footscray.

Victoria Police in attendance at Napier Street after the driver of a eastbound container truck struck the bridge

The incident

On Sunday 3 March a so-called ‘professional’ driver of a container truck loaded with a single ‘high cube’ 40 foot ISO shipping container bound for the Port of Melbourne tried to make it under the 4.0 metre clearance Napier Street bridge, but ignored the warning signs – striking the bridge and dislodging the container from the truck.

By the time I came past trains were already running again following an inspection of the bridge, and Victoria Police were in attendance – not hard, given their police station is next door!

Victoria Police in attendance at Napier Street after the driver of a eastbound container truck struck the bridge

The damage

The 40 foot container had been dislodged from the trailer, and hanging at a perilous angle, almost ready to fall onto the footpath.

40 foot container dislodged from the truck after it hit the Napier Street railway bridge

The bridge protection beam taking the hit rather than the bridge.

40 foot container dislodged from the truck after it hit the Napier Street railway bridge

The impact speed must have been high, as the bridge warning lights had been dislodged.

Damaged warning lights after a 40 foot container hit the Napier Street railway bridge

And the steel container deformed.

40 foot container bashed up after it hit the Napier Street railway bridge

An impact mark from the bridge protection beam visible to one side.

40 foot container bashed up after it hit the Napier Street railway bridge

Dislodged container twistlocks on the ground below.

Twistlocks on the ground after a 40 foot container was dislodged from the truck after it hit the Napier Street railway bridge

A hole in the fresh asphalt where the container fell to the ground.

Fresh asphalt beat up after a 40 foot container hit the Napier Street railway bridge and fell onto the road

Recovery time

The truck operator called up mobile crane to assist with the recovery operation.

Humma crane in attendance just in case

But it wasn’t needed – a heavy tow truck was used to drag the container away from the truck.

X'Trapolis 199M passes a 40 foot container stuck under the Napier Street bridge, heavy tow truck ready to drag off the truck

Chains and the rear boom used to lift up the rear of the container.

Heavy tow truck ready to drag off the 40 foot container off the truck stuck under the Napier Street bridge

Which then topped over sideways.

And over it goes - 40 foot container falls onto it's side after being dragged off the truck

Crushing the fence intended to ‘protect’ pedestrians from road vehicles.

40 foot container sitting on it's side after being dragged off the truck

I don’t think that was how they intended the recovery to go!

At least the semi-trailer was now free.

Beat up container twistlocks on the truck that hit the Napier Street bridge

But in need of repair – the rear container twistlocks bent out of position.

Beat up container twistlocks on the truck that hit the Napier Street bridge

Another crack

After a bit of maneuvering, the heavy tow truck was able to pull the 40 foot container back upright.

Heavy tow truck pulls the 40 foot container back upright

And then pull it clear of the bridge.

Heavy tow truck drags the 40 foot container clear of the bridge

Allowing a waiting sidelifter truck to pull up alongside.

Sidelifter truck ready to pick up the damaged 40 foot container

Lift the damaged container onto the sidelift trailer.

Sidelifter truck picks up the damaged 40 foot container

And take it away.

Sidelifter truck takes the damaged 40 foot container away

Allowing the eastbound lanes to be reopened.

Road traffic back to normal beneath the Napier Street bridge in Footscray

All up the recovery effort took an hour to complete.

So why is the Napier Street bridge worse?

The Montague Street might be notorious for bridge strikes in Melbourne.

A1.253 passes over the Montague Street bridge

But the bulk of impacts in South Melbourne are just weekend warriors on car licences driving rental trucks when moving house – not ‘professional’ drivers with a heavy vehicle licence – and a four tonne steel shipping containers falling off a truck is far more dangerous to other motorists than the body of a pantech truck getting a little beat up.

In addition the statistics don’t lie – the the Napier Street bridge was struck 37 times by heavy vehicles between 2018 and 2022, while the Montague Street bridge was only hit once in 2021.

One possible solution – the Port Rail Shuttle project, paused back in 2015, but ready to start operation ‘soon’.

Looking west towards the new level crossing between Intermodal Way and the Coode Road rail terminal siding


And a bit of a laugh – a petition to “Paint Footscray’s Napier Street Bridge With Scary Shark Teeth“.

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]]> 12 21939
How to calibrate a speed and red light camera Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:30:00 +0000 A few years ago I spotted something of note while out driving – a forest of traffic cones set up around the combined speed and red light camera system at the intersection of Mount Alexander Road and Maribyrnong Road in the Melbourne suburb of Ascot Vale. I pulled over to take a closer look, and […]

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A few years ago I spotted something of note while out driving – a forest of traffic cones set up around the combined speed and red light camera system at the intersection of Mount Alexander Road and Maribyrnong Road in the Melbourne suburb of Ascot Vale.

Calibrating a combined speed / red light camera

I pulled over to take a closer look, and found a car belong to SGS S.A. – a Swiss multinational company which provides inspection, verification, testing and certification services.

Contractor at work calibrating a combined speed and red light camera

There was a piece of tripod mounted equipment labelled TIRTL on one side of the intersection.

Infrared sensors at one side of the intersection

And a second unit on the other side.

TIRTL ('The Infra-Red Traffic Logger') device being used to calibrate a speed camera

Also connected to an equipment box.

Second set of infrared sensors on the other side of the road

So what was it all for? The green thing labelled ‘TIRTL’ is actually a ‘The Infra-Red Traffic Logger‘ unit:

The transmitter sends two cones of infrared light across the roadway, and the receiver records vehicles as they break and remake these cones. TIRTL transmitter’s infrared cones cross each other and form two straight and two diagonal beam pathways.

When a vehicle crosses the beam pathways, TIRTL records two beam events; it records one from the vehicle breaking and one leaving the beam pathway. These two beams events are recorded for all four beam pathways. Thus, eight timestamped events are generated per axle. The velocity is derived from the timestamps of these beam events.

This velocity data is then compared with the velocity data calculated by the speed camera system itself, as part of the testing and maintenance procedures required under the Road Safety (General) Regulations 2019.


– Speed accuracy and speed reliability testing
– Camera system asset inventory
– Camera system sensor evaluation

Which leads to the issuing of an annual test certificate for each camera.

Footnote: and another one

I’ve also found the speed and red light camera at the corner of Flinders Street and William Street undergoing testing.

Contractors checking up on a combined speed and red light camera

Back in 20114 it was the speed camera which issued the most fines in Victoria, with 20,774 in one quarter. While in 2017 it claimed the dubious honour of Victoria worse location for motorists running red lights, with almost 2000 fines issued in one quarter.

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]]> 9 21807
How to close a freeway Mon, 11 Sep 2023 21:30:00 +0000 Normally a major freeway is full of cars, even in the dead of night. So seeing the West Gate Freeway completely empty was an unusual sight – so how was it achieved? First step – block the freeway. With a Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA) Truck parked on each lane. Their variable message signs directing motorists […]

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Normally a major freeway is full of cars, even in the dead of night. So seeing the West Gate Freeway completely empty was an unusual sight – so how was it achieved?

West Gate Freeway closed inbound at Ingles Street so a billboard over the West Gate Freeway can be removed

First step – block the freeway.

West Gate Freeway closed inbound at the Todd Road exit so a billboard over the West Gate Freeway at Ingles Street can be removed

With a Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA) Truck parked on each lane.

West Gate Freeway closed inbound at the Todd Road exit so a billboard over the West Gate Freeway at Ingles Street can be removed

Their variable message signs directing motorists onto a detour via the adjacent Todd Road exit.

West Gate Freeway closed inbound at the Todd Road exit so a billboard over the West Gate Freeway at Ingles Street can be removed

And just to make sure the road was clear, two more traffic control trucks were parked beside the next exit along.

West Gate Freeway closed inbound at the CityLink internchange so a billboard over the West Gate Freeway at Ingles Street can be removed

The reason for the closure – a crane at work on the Ingles Street bridge over the West Gate Freeway.

Crane lifts away the billboard on the Ingles Street bridge over the West Gate Freeway at Port Melbourne

Workers were busy attacking an attached billboard with a gas axe.

Cutting away the billboard on the Ingles Street bridge over the West Gate Freeway at Port Melbourne

So a crane could lower it down to the ground.

Crane lifts away the billboard on the Ingles Street bridge over the West Gate Freeway at Port Melbourne

So it could be trucked away.

Crane lifts away the billboard on the Ingles Street bridge over the West Gate Freeway at Port Melbourne

Replacing the previous fixed billboard.

Fixed billboard on the Ingles Street bridge over the West Gate Freeway at Port Melbourne

With a steel frame.

Steel frame added to the Ingles Street overpass to hold a new digital billboard over the West Gate Freeway

So a new digital billboard could take it’s place.

Digital billboard in place on the Ingles Street overpass over the West Gate Freeway

Footnote on Truck Mounted Attenuators

VicRoads has a set of guidelines for the use of Truck Mounted Attenuators to protect work sites.

These Guidelines have been produced for the deployment of Truck Mounted Attenuator Trucks (TMAs) in Victoria to protect worksites on or beside active roads against errant vehicle intrusion. TMAs may be deployed to protect short to medium term maintenance or construction works where it is not practical to close the road or deploy temporary safety barriers for the protection of workers. They may be deployed as ‘barrier’ or ‘shadow’ vehicles depending on the static or mobile nature of the works.

A TMA is defined as a combination of Host Vehicle (Truck) and Impact Attenuator Unit, either mounted on the Host Vehicle or towed by the Host Vehicle to protect road workers. The Impact Attenuator Unit, also known as a crash cushion or crash attenuator, is a device intended to reduce the damage done to structures, vehicles and motorists resulting from a motor vehicle collision. Impact Attenuator units are designed to absorb the vehicles’ kinetic energy and/or redirect the vehicles away from the hazard, and from roadwork machinery or workers.

TMAs are required for the protection of works on or adjacent to all high speed roads. Their major application is for the protection of works on or adjacent to ‘M’ Classification Roads where they are mandatory. They are also applicable under the hierarchy of safety controls for the protection of works on all other roads where substantive speed limits are 80Km/h or more.

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]]> 3 21455
Precast concrete from Benalla with love Mon, 17 Apr 2023 21:30:00 +0000 Right now work on the West Gate Tunnel Project is well underway, with 1500 tonnes of precast concrete tunnel lining, bridge and viaduct elements making up the tangle of elevated roads and underground tunnels coming from an unlikely location – 200 kilometres away at Benalla in north-east Victoria. Precast concrete everywhere The most obvious usage […]

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Right now work on the West Gate Tunnel Project is well underway, with 1500 tonnes of precast concrete tunnel lining, bridge and viaduct elements making up the tangle of elevated roads and underground tunnels coming from an unlikely location – 200 kilometres away at Benalla in north-east Victoria.

Stockpile of concrete elevated viaduct deck segments for the West Gate Tunnel at the Benalla precast facility

Precast concrete everywhere

The most obvious usage of precast concrete on the West Gate Tunnel Project is the tunnels themselves.

Each of the 3-lane tunnels requiring 2500 precast concrete segments to line the interior.

West Gate Tunnel Project photo

But the massive viaduct running above Footscray Road also requires tonnes of precast concrete.

Piers for the elevated roadway in place along the median strip of Footscray Road

Piers to hold up the two carriageways.

Piers for the elevated roadway in place along the median strip of Footscray Road

Then there is the bridge deck itself.

Westbound viaduct in place, piers in place for the parallel eastbound carriageway

Assembled using a giant mobile gantry.

Launching gantry above Footscray Road, to erecting the westbound elevated concrete viaduct

From shorter sections of precast concrete.

Launching gantry in place on Footscray Road, ready to erect the new elevated concrete viaduct

Enter LS Precast

In a paddock outside Benalla is a yard filled with massive pieces of precast concrete.

Google Maps

Cranes everywhere.

Stockpile of concrete elevated viaduct deck segments for the West Gate Tunnel at the Benalla precast facility

Each massive piece of precast concrete was created inside an bigger sheds.

Precast concrete yard for the West Gate Tunnel project at Benalla

Then stacked up outside.

Google Maps

Hundreds of tunnel lining segments waiting to make the trip to Melbourne.

Stockpile of concrete tunnel lining segments for the West Gate Tunnel at the Benalla precast facility

Multiple times a day, A-double semi trailers departs the yard.

A-double semi trailer departs the Benalla precast facility with four concrete tunnel lining segments for the West Gate Tunnel

On the 200 kilometre, two and a half hour drive down the Hume Highway to Melbourne.

A-double semi trailer transports four precast concrete tunnel lining segments for the West Gate Tunnel along Benalla-Yarrawonga Road

There they thread their way through the western suburbs to West Gate Tunnel work site.

Legend Logistics A-double truck carriers four precast tunnel lining segments along Ballarat Road, Sunshine on the long journey from the Benalla precast yard to the West Gate Tunnel project site at Yarraville

The precast concrete elements that make up the elevated viaduct above Footscray Road are also manufactured at Benalla.

Painting the concrete elevated viaduct deck segments for the West Gate Tunnel at the Benalla precast facility

But since these elements are much larger.

West Gate Tunnel Project photo

They need to be transported by specialised low loader trucks.

West Gate Tunnel Project photo

To spread their extreme weight across the road surface.

West Gate Tunnel Project photo

What about trains

Benalla is on a railway line, and so is Melbourne – so why not transport all of these pieces of precast concrete by train? Well, that is exactly what the government said would happen.

New Benalla manufacturing facility to create hundreds of jobs for rural and regional Victorians
1 Feb 2018

Victoria’s largest precast concrete manufacturing facility will be built in Benalla to supply major Victorian infrastructure projects, create 400 jobs and provide a massive boost to the local economy.

The $60 million facility will be operated by local businesses and will supply precast concrete for major projects including the West Gate Tunnel Project.

The facility will be capable of producing up to 1,500 tonnes of concrete product per day at peak capacity.

Benalla’s access to road and rail infrastructure means the facility is well placed to supply future Victorian and interstate projects, creating ongoing economic benefits to Benalla and surrounding communities.

To limit the number of trucks on local roads, the precast concrete segments for the West Gate Tunnel Project will be transported to Melbourne by freight train.

A new 700m rail siding will be built along the existing rail line in Benalla to provide a direct link between the precast facility and Melbourne.

The West Gate Tunnel Project will provide an estimated $11 billion boost to the Victorian economy, creating 6000 new jobs.

Construction of the Benalla precast facility is due to commence in March 2018, and it will be fully operational from October 2018.

With a railway siding constructed right into the casting plant at Benalla.

New Rail Siding For Benalla Precast Concrete Facility
25 September 2018

Work has started on a huge rail siding to service the new precast concrete facility being built in Benalla.

Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan joined Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes to visit the worksite today, that will soon start producing precast concrete for the Andrews Labor Government’s West Gate Tunnel.

A new 700 metre siding will be created from the existing rail line to provide direct access to the precast facility.

New rail track will also be built – connected to the nearby freight line – so the concrete segments can be loaded directly from the precast facility on to freight trains and transported to Melbourne.

About 20 metre of new track has been laid and the existing train line is being upgraded ahead of the commissioning of the new siding in late 2018.

Construction is well underway on a new $60 million precast concrete facility in Benalla in readiness for concrete production.

The facility will initially provide over 65,000 concrete products for the massive West Gate Tunnel Project.

Excavators are currently levelling the site and the steel frames are going up for the three large sheds to be built on the site.

The precast facility will include a concrete batching plant, the large sheds for precast concrete production, offices, precast product storage, maintenance areas, a precast rail siding and 300 car parking spaces for workers.

The precast facility will be the largest of its kind in Victoria, capable of producing over 1,500 tonnes of concrete product per day at peak capacity.

The precast facility will create 400 jobs and will help ensure regional communities can benefit from the many opportunities created by the state’s booming infrastructure sector.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan

“It’s fantastic to see the progress being made on this, the largest precast concrete facility of its kind in Victoria.”

“Building the new rail siding means that we can get concrete products from Benalla to Melbourne via the existing rail network, avoiding heavy vehicle traffic and associated road impacts.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“This is a massive investment in Benalla and we are already seeing jobs being created for local people with construction well underway.”

“This facility nearly didn’t happen due to the Liberal and National parties’ opposition to the project, I’m proud that my home town of Benalla and people throughout the north east share in the benefits of the Andrews Labor Government’s West Gate Tunnel.”

But by October 2020 their messaging had changed.

By having the concrete segment facility in Benalla, it ensured that regional Victoria benefited from our state’s infrastructure boom – creating jobs and providing a boost to the local economy.

The facility is supplying a variety of precast concrete products for the West Gate Tunnel Project and was selected due to its proximity to local quarries, its production capability and the easy access to Melbourne via transport networks . These products come in a range of sizes, shapes and weights.

A number of precast segments are not suitable to transport by freight train and will be delivered to West Gate Tunnel work sites by truck, using approved truck routes. The project team is exploring which precast segments are suitable to transport to Melbourne via rail. We’ll keep you updated through these channels as things progress.

The rail siding is clearly visible in the aerial view on Google Maps.

Google Maps

But as fas as I know, the rail siding at the Benalla precast yard has never been used by trains, and none of the precast segements have been transported by rail – however the cement used to make the segments did get moved by rail to Benalla station.

Footnote: some videos

Building the concrete precast facility at Benalla.

And flying over the completed yard.

Test fitting tunnel lining segments.

Delivering precast segments to the West Gate Tunnel work site.

Assembling the bridge columns.

And an animation showing how the bridge builder above Footscray Road works.

Footnote: other recent projects

The concrete segments for the Metro Tunnel were cast at a yard at Ravenhall, only 30 kilometres from their final destination.

Metro Tunnel tunnel lining segment manufacturing facility at Ravenhall

While the precast concrete for the ‘Skyrail’ bridges were initially cast 50 kilometres away at Pakenham, and are now cast 70 kilometres away at Kilmore.

Casting plant for concrete viaduct segments at Pakenham

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A history of Lynch’s Bridge at Footscray Mon, 20 Feb 2023 20:30:14 +0000 This is the story of Lynch’s Bridge over the Maribyrnong River in Melbourne’s west, connecting Smithfield Road in Flemington to Ballarat Road in Footscray. On the downstream side is the original 1936 bridge, with art deco-styled decorative parapets, pillars, and light fittings. And beside it a far more utilitarian concrete bridge completed in 1992. In […]

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This is the story of Lynch’s Bridge over the Maribyrnong River in Melbourne’s west, connecting Smithfield Road in Flemington to Ballarat Road in Footscray.

Transmission lines beside the Maribyrnong River at Footscray

On the downstream side is the original 1936 bridge, with art deco-styled decorative parapets, pillars, and light fittings.

In between the 1934 and 1990 bridges

And beside it a far more utilitarian concrete bridge completed in 1992.

Looking north towards the parallel 1990 bridge

In the beginning

Lynch’s Bridge was an early crossing place on the Maribyrnong River for those headed west of Melbourne, with owner of the neighbouring Pioneer Hotel, Michael Lynch, operating a punt on the site from 1849. A competing crossing was operated by Joseph Raleigh at Maribyrnong, which replaced his punt with a bridge in 1858.

SLV photo IAN20/12/66/4

And so in 1863 Michael Lynch petitioned the government for permission to replace his punt with a pontoon bridge, provided he was granted a half acre of land on the eastern bank of the river for the abutments and approaches.

Members of the Essendon and Flemington Council not in favour of private bridges, and the matter was debated, with one local resident questioning the motives of Lynch.

In September 1864 a motion was passed to prohibit Lynch from building a bridge, but it soon rescinded, with the new bridge in use for Melbourne Cup Day 1864.

‘Flemington Racecourse from the Footscray side of Salt Water River, Victoria ‘ by J Ryan

Local residents found the toll gate a nuisance, but Lynch talked up his bridge, telling Western District sheep and cattle owners they only needed to pay a single toll if headed to the sheep and cattle yards on the opposite bank.

As a result in 1866 the Essendon and Flemington Council proposed purchasing Mr Lynch’s bridge, as did the Footscray Council in 1867. However it took until in 1882 for the bridge to be brought under public ownership, the Footscray Council abolished the toll and requesting the Commissioner of Public Works pay the reminder of the loan.

A replacement bridge

However that was not the end of the saga – in October 1901 Lynch’s Bridge was closed by the Public Works Department due to it falling into disrepair, and a Mr J. Byers erected a pontoon bridge beside it to carry traffic to Flemington Racecourse, for a “small toll” of one penny. The debate as to who should fund the cost of a new bridge continued in the months that followed, with a tender finally awarded in December 1902 – eighteen months since the bridge was closed.

MMBW plan 781

The new bridge opened without ceremony in May 1903, after contractors finished their work and left it open for traffic, with members of the Flemington and Kensington Council holding an official opening a few days later, without the involvement of the Footscray Council who also funded it.

SLV photo H2151

The new bridge was built of timber, and had a lifting span in the middle, which sometimes caused delays to river traffic, and had high ongoing running costs.

Haven’t we been here before?

September 1929 was a familiar event – Lynch’s Bridge closed after being declared unsafe for traffic, reopening after temporary repairs were completed over a three week period.

The Footscray Council and the City of Melbourne then considered a number of options for a permanent crossing – a new five span reinforced concrete bridge for £38,750, a new three span steel bridge for £35,900, or extending the life for the existing bridge for five years for £2,250. The Footscray Council objected having to fund half the cost of a new bridge, delaying the start of construction, with an agreement finally reached in January 1936 for the Country Roads Board to pay half the cost of the project.

Opened in 1939, the new Lynch’s Bridge was built on a different angle to the timber bridge it replaced, allowing Ballarat Road to be realigned to meet Smithfield Road, eliminating a dangerous curve on the Footscray side. The Footscray Council suggested naming the new bridge ‘Gent’s Bridge’ after the Town Clerk of Footscray, but it came to nothing.

In between the 1934 and 1990 bridges

Traffic troubles

As Melbourne grew, the amount of traffic using Lynch’s Bridge grew – 43,000 vehicles per day using it in 1989, half the volume that used the West Gate Bridge. And the area became known as a blackspot for motor vehicle crashes, with the 1985-88 period seeing 79 separate incidents, including 16 head-on collisions, and nine deaths.

The Age, 23 November 1989

Leading in November 1989 to a coronial inquest being opened into a number of recent fatalities at the site.

Excessive speed was the main cause of car accidents on Lynch’s Bridge in Kensington, an inquest on three deaths on the bridge was told yesterday.

Sergeant Noel Osborne, of the accident Investigation section at Brunswick, said that despite measures to make the four-lane bridge safer, most vehicles approached it too fast. 

The deputy state coroner, Mr Graeme Johnstone, is holding joint inquests on Kevin John Lewis, 35, of Broadmeadows, and Emily Jane Stonehouse, 4, of Werribee, who were killed in an accident on 23 October 1988, and Matthew James Simmons, 25, of Box Hill, who died in an accident on 14 February this year.

Lynch’s Bridge crosses the Maribyrnong River near Flemington Racecourse. The approach from Footscray, on Ballarat Road, has three lanes that narrow to two before a sharp left-hand bend on to the bridge. The Smithfield Road approach, from Flemington, is two lanes.

Sergeant Osborne, asked by Mr Johnstone to suggest safety measures, said that even if the Ballarat Road approach was narrowed to one lane in an effort to slow traffic, he believed many drivers would still try to take the bend too fast. He said the answer was to duplicate the bridge.

“That in my mind is the answer. We certainly would not be having the head-ons as we are now. The number of people killed at this location has caused me great concern. It appears that not a great deal has been done.”

Mr John Connell, of the Roads Corporation, said speed cameras had shown that more than 70 per cent of vehicles approaching the bridge on Ballarat Road travelled faster than the 60 kmh speed limit. The fastest speed had been 139 kmh despite signs recommending 55 kmh.

Peter James McDonald, a truck driver from Maidstone who crosses Lynch’s Bridge regularly, said that at the time of the accident involving Mr Simmons, the camber of the road pulled vehicles to the right as they turned left on to the bridge from Ballarat Road. The inquiry is continuing

The inquest heard that duplication of the bridge had been proposed in 1975, with the cost in 1989 money estimated to be $3 million.

In his findings to the 1989 inquest, Coroner Graeme Johnstone noted that the 1938 bridge was not unsuitable for the volume and speed of traffic passing over it, recommending that the Ballarat Road approach to the bridge be restructured so that the three-to-two lane merge is further from the sharp bend onto the bridge, and that the VicRoads make duplication of the bridge a priority in their road improvement program.

As a result, a duplicate bridge on the upstream side of original bridge was completed in 1992, allowing the 1936 bridge to be dedicated to westbound traffic.

The duplication of Lynch’s Bridge and road approaches at Flemington was opened to traffic in April 1992 and has eliminated one of Melbourne’s worst accident blackspots. In accordance with a Coronial Inquiry recommendation to fast track the works, new technology for bridgeworks and roadworks construction was used. Road approaches over poor ground conditions utilised polystyrene as lightweight fill – a first for VicRoads and Australia. The method reduces road settlements to manageable levels and achieves cost savings over more conventional alternatives. The project was completed in June 1992 at a cost of $5.5million.

And finally – another upgrade

In August 2019 it was announced that Lynch’s Bridge would be upgraded as part of the Western Road Upgrade public–private partnership.

A National Trust-listed bridge which was once the main gateway to Melbourne’s west will be upgraded this week as part of the Victorian Government’s Suburban Roads Upgrade.

Member for Footscray Katie Hall today announced the start of important work to rehabilitate the Ballarat Road Bridge, under the $1.8 billion Western Roads Upgrade.

The crossings over the Maribyrnong River are steeped in history, with the outbound Lynch’s Bridge built in 1936 and heritage listed for its “historical and technical significance” by the National Trust in 2005. Millions of Victorians and visitors would have crossed this bridge in some form.

Lynch’s Bridge also holds technical engineering significance, as one of the first steel and concrete crossings designed so the reinforced concrete deck works together with the steel beams.

The historic five-span bridge sits alongside its more modern counterpart known as the Smithfield Bridge, which was built in 1990.

The 108-metre bridges will undergo work to strengthen them for the future for up to 45,000 vehicles which travel over them every day.

It is anticipated they’ll be used by up to 50,000 cars and trucks daily by 2031.

The art-deco style of Lynch’s Bridge will be preserved as safety barriers are upgraded on both bridges, and footpaths and drainage will also be improved.

There will be some lane closures in place as this work is underway to ensure road crews can work safely and quickly.

Work included.

– removed old barriers and replaced them with new safety barriers
– installed cathodic corrosion protection to protect the metal bridge supports from rust and deterioration
– resurfaced the road on the bridges and on approach to the bridges
– removed features no longer needed such as broken lights.

You had to look close to see the changes.

Major Roads Project Victoria photo

But the big new crash barriers are easy to see when driving past.

New steel crash barriers either side of the outbound carriageway

But one thing that is obvious is the focus on motor vehicles, not active transport.

There is a grass median strip atop the bridge, but no separated bike lanes!

The bridge has enough space for a grass median strip!

There is a grass median strip atop the bridge, but no separated bike lanes!

Yet pedestrians are forced into a narrow footpath.

There is a grass median strip atop the bridge, but no separated bike lanes!

And cyclists are given a narrow strip of asphalt, centimetres from passing vehicles.

There is a grass median strip atop the bridge, but no separated bike lanes!

Pretty crap upgrade, isn’t it?

Footnote: water under the bridge

When I visited Lynch’s Bridge in December 2020, I noticed these new looking steel additions to the piers of the 1992 bridge.

Reinforced piers beneath the 1990 Ballarat Road bridge

My initial thought was strengthening work linked to the Western Road Upgrade project, but turns out I was wrong – it’s actually linked to the West Gate “Tunnel” Project.

West Gate Tunnel Project photo

A post on their Facebook page dated 11 November 2021 mentioning the work.

🚧 West Gate Tunnel Project crews have started working on modifications to streamline the piers on the Smithfield Road Bridge.
⛴ These works will help during high flows in Maribyrnong River and mitigate flooding once our new Maribyrnong River bridge is built. Gaps between the columns will be filled with concrete to create a wall type pier with rounding at both ends.

The works required to compensate for new piers in the Maribyrnong River at Footscray.

West Gate Tunnel Project photo

Forming part of the elevated roadway between Footscray Road and the actual West Gate “Tunnel”.

West Gate Tunnel Project photo

And the work at Lynch’s Bridge seems to have flown under the radar – the only other mention of it I could find was a single line in the West Gate Tunnel Project “Final Report for Submission to the Minister for Planning” for March 2019 to August 2019.

Flood mitigation works completed at Smithfield Bridge

I wonder what difference these works made to the October 2022 Maribyrnong River flood?

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