Posts Tagged ‘Regional Fast Rail’

Photos from ten years ago: February 2006

Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time February 2006.

'Typewriters Galore' in the main street of Geelong

Precursor plans for Regional Rail Link

At the moment the biggest rail project in Melbourne is the 47.5 km long Regional Rail Link. Intended to provide extra track capacity to the western suburbs of Melbourne, and due for completion in early 2016 after five years of construction, how long has the idea for a railway along this route existed?

Station building completed, but with the tracks still to come

Another VLocity launch – this time Geelong

Friday the 3rd was the first day of VLocites on the Geelong line. The train pulled in to Geelong at 11:30, only taking 50 minutes to travel from Melbourne. And this wasn’t at full speed either. However, there were only a […]

A VLocity trip to Ballarat

On Thursday the 22nd I went up to Ballarat. Why? Well, V/Line was putting their new VLocity trains into revenue service for the first time, and I wanted to go for spin in one. I caught the train up to Melbourne, […]