Archive for 2023

Articulated buses of Melbourne

People over on Reddit and Twitter keep asking about how many articulated buses there are in Melbourne, so now you’ve made me write about blog post them. The short answer – there are 40 of them used on PTV route services. By operator Ventura has the most of articulated buses in Melbourne, with 25 in […]

Scrub a dub dub – how to wash a train

Everything gets dirty from being out in the open, even trains. But thanks to their size, washing them isn’t exactly easy – so a number of dedicated train washes exist across the rail network. Metro Trains Melbourne Metro Trains Melbourne has a drive through for suburban trains beside their stabling facility at Melbourne Yard. And […]

All aboard the chicken truck

The other day I photographed a mysterious looking unmarked semi trailer, and wondered what the hell it was. It was no ordinary truck, with air conditioning units on the roof, and an equipment cabinet beneath the floor – was it an outside broadcast truck? Photo by Enbytv, via Wikimedia Commons But turns out it wasn’t […]

Photos from ten years ago: September 2013

Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is September 2013. Regional Rail Link We start the month like many others, with progress on the Regional Rail Link project through Melbourne’s west. The old West Footscray station was still in place beneath ‘Mount Mistake‘. But the new station to […]

Private security lighting on public poles

Something odd I’ve noticed over the years is floodlights shining onto private property from public power poles. So who foots the bill for them? They’re a common sight in industrial areas. Their orange glow shining onto locked up warehouses. From atop power poles. But with no power meter to be found anywhere. And an answer […]