The other week I was trawling the internet as I usually do when I stumbled upon a very familiar looking photo on Wikipedia. So what is the story behind it?
Posts Tagged ‘photography’
Newspapers using the “wrong” train photos
If you are interested in trains like I am, then you probably spend a lot of time online discussing the latest rail related news stories with fellow railfans. Over the years I have discovered an extremely common thread of discussion – the “wrong photo” complaint.
And I’m back!
So after a month long hiatus, I’m back from Europe. In that time I passed through six countries, ten cities, three rail gauges and 15 rail operators – but how many photos did I take?
Daylight savings time and your camera clock
Daylight savings time: every year I need to go around the house to change the clocks forwards an hour, and then do it all over again to put them back an hour a few months later. Having the incorrect time on the wall clock in the kitchen doesn’t worry me, but one incorrect clock that *really* pisses me off is the one in my digital camera. So how do you go about fixing it after the fact?
My history of broken cameras – a case for extended warranties?
To quote cartoon character Homer Simpson:
Extended warranty! How can I lose?
For people like myself extended warranties on electronic items are usually seen as a worthless and high-profit add-on pushed by salespeople with targets to meet. However when I look back the failure rate of my camera equipment over the years, an extended warranty from a reputable company starts to look like a reasonable purchase.