Posts Tagged ‘heritage listings’

Looking back at the ‘Cavalcade of Transport’ mural

For decades the ‘Cavalcade of Transport’ mural was a landmark of the otherwise unremarkable main concourse at Spencer Street Station. So how did it come to be?

Cavalcade of Transport mural (photo by Rennie Ellis dated 1983, SLV H2011.150-2517)
Rennie Ellis 1983, SLV image H2011.150/2517

Melbourne’s Windsor Hotel from all angles

Normally Melbourne’s Windsor Hotel is viewed from the front entrance on Spring Street. But what does it look like from the other side?

Melbourne's Hotel Windsor on Spring Street

Threatening cracks at another neglected building

On 28th March 2013 a neglected wall at the CUB Brewery site fell onto Swanston Street, killing three pedestrians. So how many other abandoned buildings around Melbourne are at risk of falling over? I found one at the corner of Abbotsford Street and Flemington Road in North Melbourne recently, attracted by the ‘Wheelwright’ and ‘Shoeing Forge’ signs on the facade.

Massive crack in the facade of 243-251 Flemington Road, North Melbourne

Fixing a falling facade on Collins Street

I have previously written about the former National Mutual Plaza building located at 447 Collins Street in Melbourne, but on January 30 it scored a mention in the local news when a one metre by two metre sized marble panel fell from the northern facade to the plaza below. So how are they fixing it?

Missing marble panel on the facade of  447 Collins Street

Yallourn Power Station: then and now

Another week, another “then and now” blog post from me. Following on from last week’s look at the power stations of the Latrobe Valley, here is a comparison of the facilities at Yallourn.

Workers leaving the Yallourn Power Station in the 1940s