Comments on: Hey, you can’t take photos here! Marcus Wong. Gunzel. Engineering geek. History nerd. Tue, 05 Sep 2023 01:19:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcus Wong Tue, 05 Sep 2023 01:19:35 +0000 In reply to Steve Gelsi.

My mate went there a few months ago and it was closed, but seems like it has since reopened.

By: Steve Gelsi Tue, 29 Aug 2023 03:50:36 +0000 A few years ago I stood in the middle of the track in Train Street in Hanoi to take a shot of the approaching train – didn’t let it get too close though before I stepped off! Another one of those annoying foreign tourists!

By: M Mon, 28 Aug 2023 12:49:02 +0000 Keep it up mate. If you ever came talk to me I’ll tell you everything I’m told by the office that I have to tell you to contact community relations but stuff that

By: Paul Westcott Sat, 26 Aug 2023 04:13:58 +0000 In reply to gxh.

One reason given was that drivers entering stations from dimly-lit tunnels would be dazzled by a surprise flash from a photographer on the platform.

By: gxh Sat, 26 Aug 2023 00:46:49 +0000 What’s the reason for no photography in the Loop? Are they worried that it might enable someone to case the joint for a terrorism attack?

By: Meredith Wed, 23 Aug 2023 23:25:59 +0000 I too have done something similar. A photo that I had been wanted to get since I was a young girl and we went on a school excursion of the new city loop before it even opened. The long escalators at Parliament. Finally got the shot a few months back. And said to my husband Let’s go before I get told off or something worse.

By: Graeme Hammond Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:28:24 +0000 Been there dome that. My daughter was a keen filmmaker as a little girl. She wanted a shot of a train approaching so we went to a nearby pedestrian walkway across the railway line and set up the camera on a tripod a few metres from the track. The train approached, then slowed and stopped and the driver threw open the door and bellowed at us to leave the tracks or we’d be reported. It was a ridiculous over-reaction — I was there as a responsible adult!

By: mrcomeng Tue, 22 Aug 2023 03:15:20 +0000 Marcus you’re a menace to society and I love you for it. Reminds me of the time I stood on the railway line at an unprotected level crossing between Seymour and Mangalore, took a couple photos looking both ways down the line, posted it online and got told off by some people for standing on the railway line, at a level crossing while I had full awareness that there wasn’t any trains coming for quite a while. Apparently I could’ve gotten run over. Run over by what? The invisible train that I somehow couldn’t hear? People infuriate me sometimes…

I’m ranting, aren’t I?
