Posts Tagged ‘Australia’

Jobactive or Neighbourhood Watch – spot the difference?

A few months ago some new Federal Government propaganda started appearing on my television screen, featuring a new brand called ‘Jobactive’. But for me, déjà vu was my reaction to their new logo.

'Jobactive' logo

‘Aussie Pride’ – stay classy!

What better way to celebrate Australia Day than to celebrate the things that our great country can build – like your Holden Commodore ute.

Aussie pride is: putting a Chevy badge onto your Holden ute?

Bank transfers and account name checking

I’ve been making electronic transfers from my bank account for years and never had any trouble with them – just plug in the account name, number and BSB code into the form, and a few days later, the money arrives in the destination account. But what happens when it doesn’t work?

Window washers descend the NAB Building

‘Moving Victoria’ and changing billboards

Back at the end of 2013 I found this billboard beside the Deer Park Bypass at Caroline Springs, featuring yet another advertisement for the Liberal Government’s ‘Moving Victoria’ program. So what does it look like today?

'Moving Victoria' billboard promoting Regional Rail Link beside the Deer Park bypass at Caroline Springs

Victorian Government propaganda moves fast

Back in late 2013 the State Liberal Government released a new transport propaganda campaign titled “Moving Victoria” – and new advertisements soon appeared around Melbourne. All up at least $3.2 million has been spent on the campaign – and recent election promises are already part of it.

Poster for the Liberal Government's 'Moving Victoria' campaign, featuring the E class trams