Posts Tagged ‘Siemens trains’

Which Melbourne train type is the most reliable?

There are three types of train in the Melbourne suburban fleet – the older Comeng trains, as well as the newer Siemens and X’Trapolis types. But which type of train is the most reliable? The ‘Rolling Stock Module’ of the 2017 Franchise Agreement between Public Transport Victoria and Metro Trains Melbourne describes how the ‘Mean […]

The trams that Melbourne rejected

Buying a new tram for Melbourne isn’t like buying a new car – they cost a few million dollars each, and even if you had that much money ready to spend, one can’t exactly head down to your local dealer and pick one up off the shelf. Instead, the purchase of new trams involve long and convoluted tender processes, and lots of due diligence – a process that has occasionally seen trams from other cities operate in Melbourne.

W8.959 westbound outside Flinders Street Station

Melbourne’s exploding Siemens trains

Last week Melbourne’s railway network almost came to a grinding halt when industrial action threatened to pull dozens of trains of service. So how did Metro Trains Melbourne find themselves in that situation?