Comments on: Cardinia Road’s new level crossing Marcus Wong. Gunzel. Engineering geek. History nerd. Tue, 29 Jun 2021 02:50:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Photos from ten years ago: June 2011 - Waking up in Geelong Tue, 29 Jun 2021 02:50:26 +0000 […] The level crossing removal was part of a $48.5 million road duplication project, unlike some subsequent projects that built new level crossings. […]

By: When did Melbourne stop building new level crossings? - Waking up in Geelong Tue, 09 May 2017 05:14:34 +0000 […] By expanding the criteria to include expanded level crossings, the list grows longer: in 2007 Craigieburn station received a pedestrian crossing instead of an underpass, and in 2016 the crossing at Cardinia Road on the Pakenham line was duplicated. […]

By: Marcus Wong Wed, 29 Jun 2016 00:39:11 +0000 In reply to Train User.

I’d suspect any future grade separation will be road over – as you mention, dropping the tracks wouldn’t work, and the surrounding houses are some distance away, so NIMBY concerns should be few and far between.

By: Train User Thu, 16 Jun 2016 12:06:14 +0000 Great to see this post finally published after I pre-empted it by mistake 😛

What do you think the most likely outcome will be when they do remove the crossing? I looked at the aerial map and honestly don’t think they would lower the railway line because it’s too close to Cardinia Rd station (I doubt they’d demolish a station only built 4 years ago).

I also don’t think they’d put the road over or under because they’d do it from now.

Perhaps the government will make a surprise announcement like they did about the partial duplication on the Altona Loop.

By: Marcus Wong Wed, 15 Jun 2016 07:31:13 +0000 In reply to Andrew.

It’s a hard line to walk – spending $$$ upfront and “overengineering” for the future; compared to completing a good enough solution, spending the savings elsewhere, then spending more money at a future time.

By: Marcus Wong Wed, 15 Jun 2016 07:27:55 +0000 In reply to Ives.

As for Pakenham station, it’s a bit of a joke considering how much usage it gets – terminating trains and through V/Line trains have to fight over a pair of platforms, with low speed 40 km/h points linking the tracks, and signal aspects that slow down approaching trains unnecessarily.

By: Marcus Wong Wed, 15 Jun 2016 07:24:31 +0000 In reply to Ives.

McGregor Road duplication looks to be a Cardinia Shire Council funded project – while the level crossing falls to the state government:

By: Ives Wed, 01 Jun 2016 09:55:04 +0000 Before adding in the shortsighted of the duplication projects in the Pakenham area, which by the way if you think Cardinia road is bad you should have a good look at McGregor Road duplication for a real laugh.

The problem with McGregor Road crossing which is the one with the absurdly long wait time, from what I gather is due to multiple movements into Pakenham during peak the lack of platforms and where the crossing circuits starts.

Depending on the time and combination of the movements that crossing can be activated by the Down suburban which would just be sitting there held up by a signal at danger (mind you the crossing is already activated) as it waits for the Up suburban to depart, emptying the platform for the Down to arrive into, or waiting for the Up V/line Gippsland service to arrive into Pakenham, dwell for passengers to detrain/board and then depart which allows Down Pakenham suburban service to have a empty platform to terminated, this is why road uses can be stuck at that particular crossing for a good 10-15mins, also Main Street and McGregor Road crossings are tied together so even if the Down suburban service waits on the down side of that crossing for the cross, the crossing would still be activated.

I guess further up the line many crossing include a few marked for removal soon has long wait times due to the very same scenario.

Now back to why McGregor Road duplication is such a laugh, in regards to shortsightedness of why Cardinia road duplication not being grade separated is due to the can of worms it would open as McGregor Road duplication which recently finished isn’t grade separated, in fact you’ll find that road now goes from two lane into one at the crossing back into two now how’s that for a laugh, at least with Cardinia Road it’s both duplicated lanes through a crossing.

By: Andrew Tue, 31 May 2016 11:07:35 +0000 We won’t pretend that Vic Roads is an independent statutory authority, will we. I am familiar with the area as my mother and brother live near there and it can only have been politically expedient to get a railway station built and the road widened. The other two major level crossings in the area can be bad with absurdly long wait times without a train passing, but I doubt the Cardinia Road crossing is a huge problem, yet. It will be though, and in time it will be done. Such things are always about money and votes with money directed to where the votes may come from.
