Comments on: How many times can one Myki gate break? Marcus Wong. Gunzel. Engineering geek. History nerd. Fri, 02 Apr 2021 13:07:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Evolution in action at Public Transport Victoria - Waking up in Geelong Thu, 02 Apr 2015 06:55:05 +0000 […] written about broken Myki gates before, but the other day I found an example of evolution in […]

By: Marcus Wong Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:33:16 +0000 In reply to Thomas.

It’s a pain in the backside, but if you lodge a request, then you can get the incorrectly charged fare refunded:

None that in the case of Sunbury, if you travel from zone 1 and don’t touch off, the default fare should be the same as the fare charged if you did touch off:

By: Thomas Sat, 23 Aug 2014 03:39:14 +0000 hi Marcus when I was at sunbury station all the 5 or 6 myki gates had x not an arrow I was very confused we payed a default fare

By: xahldera Fri, 18 Jul 2014 02:23:59 +0000 In reply to Marcus Wong.

Fascinating stuff. Thank you for the info! I don’t think one of those breakdowns you mentioned would be tolerated by passengers on the MTR, especially given the problems they have recently been running into. The only problem I’ve ever had with my Octopus card at one of those gates was around 2011 when I was on holiday in HK and the gate wouldn’t let me in for some reason and that was fixed very quickly by a friendly member of staff who told me to wait a few seconds and try again after resetting something on the computer terminal.

By: Marcus Wong Fri, 18 Jul 2014 02:10:50 +0000 In reply to xahldera.

Melbourne’s myki gates were supplied by a company called Gunnebo:

They also supplied 516 flap gates for the KCR in Hong Kong:

Those gates appear to have been installed on the newer Ma On Shan and West Rail lines, as well as retrofitted to other MTR stations to permit wheelchair access.

By: xahldera Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:48:52 +0000 Are those Myki gates the same mechanism used at some MTR stations in Hong Kong? Such as the one wide gate from your own photo here (
