Posts Tagged ‘Melbourne’s never built’

Melbourne’s never built – the top end of Bourke Street

In the mid-20th century there were many crazy plans to rebuild Melbourne as a modern city, and this proposal from the Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme 1954 would be one of the most extreme – the entire top end of Bourke Street would be bulldozed to make room for a new civic square.

Streets to nowhere in Sunshine North

Melbourne is an ever growing city, but only 10 kilometres from the CBD lies a curious grid of abandoned roads, in the industrial backblocks of Sunshine North.

Light industry at Sunshine North

Penny-pinching at Craigieburn station

Since September 2007 suburban electric trains have served the northern Melbourne suburb of Craigieburn, but the infrastructure that allows them to do so is a mere shadow of that originally planned a decade ago.

Ardeer and the kink in the Western Ring Road

When wiewed on a map the Western Ring Road looks just like the name suggests – a ring around the middle suburbs of Melbourne, except for a major kink to the west around Ardeer. So why does the freeway take such a sudden turn in that area?

Western Ring Road diverts around the suburb of Ardeer