Posts Tagged ‘electrical power’

Insulated fences beside electrified railways

On my travels outside Victoria I’ve noticed something curious whenever I see an electrified railways – insulated fences.

Set K82 arrives into Circular Quay on the City Inner track

A history of gas fired power generation in Victoria

The dinosaurs in the Australian fossil fuel industry have been fighting the rise of renewable solar and wind power, with a recent tactic being the promotion of natural gas as a ‘clean’ fuel for the transition from coal. This is the story of how Victoria has used natural gas for the generation of electricity. In […]

A history of synchronous condensers in Victoria

In the past decade wind and solar generation has been displacing older coal fired power stations in Australia, with the stability of the electricity grid coming into question. One of the proposed solutions is something called a synchronous condenser – a technology that the State Electricity Commission of Victoria took advantage of fifty years ago. […]