
You can find pages and pages of posts about trains here: if that isn’t enough, there is plenty more beyond this site!

A history of nine car long V/Line trains

I realised the other day I’ve never written a complete piece about the history of V/Line operating nine car long trains – so here goes. In the beginning The story starts back in December 2005, with the introduction of the VLocity trains to the V/Line fleet. Each set consisted of two carriages seating a total […]

Photos from ten years ago: August 2014

Another instalment in my photos from ten years ago series – this time it is August 2014. Regional Rail Link Yes, more Regional Rail Link this month! First off, a V/Line train headed over the newly upgraded North Melbourne flyover bound for Southern Cross, avoiding the suburban trains down below. The sharp curves catching V/Line […]

Nine car trains and the short platform at Deer Park

Over the weekend a year blog post of mine got a mention in the Herald Sun – the subject being the new railway station at Deer Park and the platforms not quite long enough to fit a nine car V/Line train. The story starts Opposition transport spokesman and part time gunzel Matthew Guy kicked off […]

Driving a bus down the railway tracks

Next time you turn up to a Melbourne railway station, only to discover that buses are replacing trains for level crossing removal works, and the bus stop is an epic walk away, just remember that it doesn’t have to be that way – once upon a time public transport operators actually used to put some […]

Who are you #6029 – steam, diesel or electric?

Australian locomotive #6029 – is it steam, diesel, or electric? Strangely enough, it is all three at once. The original The first locomotive numbered #6029 is a New South Wales AD60 class Beyer-Garratt 4-8-4+4-8-4 heavy goods steam locomotive, which entered service in 1954 and is now preserved by Transport Heritage NSW. The young one The […]