Yes, today in the mail I received some free stuff.
About a week ago (Wednesday 15th in case you care) I sent away my a form to V/Line applying for compensation.
In their contract with the government, V/Line is required to have 96% of scheduled services running, and 92% of services have to run on time. if these targets are not met, V/Line has to give compensation (in the form of a free return ticket) to everyone who holds a ticket of four weeks or more.
Well, in the months of February, March, April and May I had a six week ticket, so I was eligible for compensation. I received the tickets in the mail today, four vouchers each for a return trip Melbourne – Geelong. There is no mention that they are a concession ticket, so these vouchers are worth $20.80 each (based on full fare peak time return trip) or $83.20 in total.
Woo Hoo!
One interesting thing about the vouchers, they are all numbered, the lowest number being 0036 and the highest being 0043 – either they just printed an new run of vouchers, or maybe not many people have claimed free tickets.
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