This is the story of the boom gate that once protected the Furlong Road level crossing on the Sunbury line, and the adventures it has had since it was made redundant by grade separation. The boom gate was there to prevent motorists from driving into the level crossing – but motorists still ended up on […]
Posts Tagged ‘Ginifer’
Four week Sunbury shutdown for Furlong Main
At the moment there is a four week disruption to the Sunbury line in order to place the tracks underground at Main Road and Furlong Road, and open new railway stations at St Albans and Ginifer. I’m curious as to why such a length of time is required to complete this set of works, when other projects in Melbourne suggest it could have been achieved with less disruption.
Furlong Main and the St Albans roller coaster
Hundreds of millions of dollars are currently being spent on Sunbury line at St Albans to grade separate Furlong Road and Main Road, with Ginifer and St Albans stations also being rebuilt as part of the work. A noble objective given the history of fatal accidents in the area, but thanks to the half-arsed way the project has been planned, the Level Crossing Removal Authority has missed the most important bit – removing every level crossing.