Posts Tagged ‘government’

State Government media release or partisian hack job?

In recent years I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon in Victorian Government media releases – blatant partisan attacks on the opposition. ‘Liberal’ search results at Down the rabbit hole One might think the domain is supposed to be for the Premier of Victoria to crow about their own achievements, but in reality it seems […]

How much did the City Loop cost to build?

One might think that finding out how much Melbourne’s City Loop cost to build would be a simple task, but with so much conflicting information out there, it was much harder than I expected. So where did I have to look?

Taking the politics out of transport planning?

Back in 2010, then leader of the Liberal Party, Ted Baillieu said “Victoria badly needs a new, independent, statutory authority to plan, co-ordinate and manage our public transport system”. So how well has this commitment to taking politics out of transport planning fared?

‘Moving Victoria’ and changing billboards

Back at the end of 2013 I found this billboard beside the Deer Park Bypass at Caroline Springs, featuring yet another advertisement for the Liberal Government’s ‘Moving Victoria’ program. So what does it look like today?

'Moving Victoria' billboard promoting Regional Rail Link beside the Deer Park bypass at Caroline Springs

Victorian Government propaganda moves fast

Back in late 2013 the State Liberal Government released a new transport propaganda campaign titled “Moving Victoria” – and new advertisements soon appeared around Melbourne. All up at least $3.2 million has been spent on the campaign – and recent election promises are already part of it.

Poster for the Liberal Government's 'Moving Victoria' campaign, featuring the E class trams